Author Topic: Hairspray queen - 999 minute jailing.  (Read 3329 times)

This server I joined which had no actual name now I know this isn't really needed but she was jailing anyone who joined even though it's her server it was an starfish thing to do.
Like who just jails anyone who joins your server for no apparent reason?
Like what is the point of hosting if you are going to jail people who want to join?
If anyone is currently typing "WEL Galeun its their servr and maybe they didnt want peele thee and yadayada"
 remember this thing called private servers? If they didn't want people on they should have a private server, clearly they just wanted to be starfishs.

The drama section is all about bitching about people, it's no different than most everything else if you're doing it about a badminton. /support anyways, he seems like your average douche

Noedit: badmin, not badminton

forget autocorrect

The drama section is all about bitching about people, it's no different than most everything else if you're doing it about a badmin. /support anyways, he seems like your average douche

Your point?

Your point?
My point is that he expected us to respond saying that it's their server, and they can do whatever they want with their server, as said in OP

My point is that he expected us to respond saying that it's their server, and they can do whatever they want with their server, as said in OP
because people do that stuff all the time

My point is that he expected us to respond saying that it's their server, and they can do whatever they want with their server, as said in OP

Pffft wtf no
Why would someone ever make a drama to bait people into making it backfire
That makes no sense, what are u smoking

If anyone is currently typing "WEL Galeun its their servr and maybe they didnt want peele thee and yadayada"
 remember this thing called private servers? If they didn't want people on they should have a private server, clearly they just wanted to be starfishs.
Hope this answers it

Hope this answers it

Okay yeah i need to read duh

But i still don't quite understand what your post earlier means:
The drama section is all about bitching about people, it's no different than most everything else if you're doing it about a badmin. /support anyways, he seems like your average douche

Sorry to confuse. I just expected someone to tell me how it's their server and they can do what they want, but theres such thing as private servers so this guy was clearly just an starfish.

Sorry to confuse. I just expected someone to tell me how it's their server and they can do what they want, but theres such thing as private servers so this guy was clearly just an starfish.

Naw i get what you mean, and i agree, Hairspray is a richard
I just don't understand Dry's post because of the way it's worded

criminals deserve to be in prison

Since I was looking at this when it was posted, I decided to join. Was jailed after a few minutes for 100 minutes after doing nothing. I believe Armageddon to be testing a jailing script or something. Although I don't think that's right at all, nothing much is going on in the server, just some friends hanging out. However I can see why you'd be jailed for 1000 minutes since you've caused issues on other servers before.

11/27/15   01:09:29   Galeon   192704   >targets me cause I'm custardo
11/27/15   01:09:30   RipNip   47007   gg
11/27/15   01:09:31   alexdogma15   47032   skype any1?
11/27/15   01:09:31   fastestnoob   179688   luneth*
11/27/15   01:09:51   Sorokor   145866   gg
11/27/15   01:09:55   Ice Kirby   21678   well that sure wasn't a good time to do that
11/27/15   01:09:56   Sorokor   145866   nobody saves the medic
11/27/15   01:09:57   Galeon   192704   lel luneth lost admin
11/27/15   01:09:58   Galeon   192704   hahahaha
11/27/15   01:10:04   RipNip   47007   Trye
11/27/15   01:10:05   RipNip   47007   True
11/27/15   01:10:16   fastestnoob   179688    still recks you
11/27/15   01:10:17   Ice Kirby   21678   i feel like my wrenching license should be revoked by now
11/27/15   01:10:24   tetris   4603   luneth why were you removed
11/27/15   01:10:29   Luneth   11167   wot
11/27/15   01:10:37   Galeon   192704   cause luneth is mean
11/27/15   01:10:42   alexdogma15   47032   wow wtf i got rkeked lol
11/27/15   01:10:51   RipNip   47007   Cause he gets salty af when he loses
11/27/15   01:11:08   fastestnoob   179688   XD
11/27/15   01:11:13   Sorokor   145866   dayum
11/27/15   01:11:20   FpsFailure   183825   agent alt f4, no hope left
11/27/15   01:11:26   Agent Legit 22   33887   lol
11/27/15   01:11:28   alexdogma15   47032   gg lol
11/27/15   01:11:29   fastestnoob   179688   did it look like i was trying to fight :/
11/27/15   01:11:30   Sorokor   145866   that tryhard tho
11/27/15   01:11:31   Galeon   192704   >targets me cause I'm custardo
11/27/15   01:11:34   alexdogma15   47032   skype any1 pls ?
11/27/15   01:11:35   Luneth   11167   tetris what were you talking about
11/27/15   01:11:38   Agent Legit 22   33887   lel
11/27/15   01:11:42   tetris   4603   werent you admin?
11/27/15   01:11:45   FpsFailure   183825   gets ddosed when goes on skype*
11/27/15   01:11:45   Luneth   11167   on here no
11/27/15   01:11:53   RipNip   47007   Cause he gets salty when he loses
11/27/15   01:11:53   tetris   4603   oh k didnt think so

So you admit to being Custardo. Who is also Fen. You also attempted to disguise yourself here on the forum by stuff-talking your other names in the "worst blocklander" thread. In addition to that, you've spammed the chat, provoked players, broken many of the rules and have been banned several times from the boss battles. Bans provided below.

07/10/12   16:01:53   TheBlackParrot   18701   ?   36715   720   Chat spam/avoiding mute.
11/02/12   18:32:03   Agent Creeper   12443   ?   36715   -1   Failing to drop the argument, insulting admins, and not bothering to play the game in peace at all
06/28/13   18:29:30   Trifornt   38424   ?   36715   60   7. Do not attempt to circumvent any of the chat filters (e-tard, caps, ect).
08/01/13   20:12:59   Spider_   12585   ?   36715   60   Disrespect and poor sportsmanship
04/04/14   17:13:40   Soroxzion   19578   ?   36715   7200   Spaming links in server. Advertisement.
06/24/14   17:49:49   Kalim   12443   ?   36715   1440   Repeated Insults towards admin [1-day ban]
05/03/15   05:23:44   Aware   9374   ?   36715   -1   Admitting to Phishing | Trolling players | thug lyfe
11/09/14   07:32:30   Jetz   3673   ?   47928   60
11/09/14   11:02:46   Skill4Life   4382   ?   47928   10
01/18/15   13:45:55   Tophat   43023   ?   47928   1440   Purposely teamkilling with sentries
07/26/15   09:30:00   Tophat   43023   ?   39895   -1   Rule 1, threat to server
11/27/15   01:30:12   Tophat   43023   ?   192704   -1   Avoiding a ban, annoying other players to a great extent. Alt of Custardo. Ban does not expire.

So while I don't agree with how the server was run, it was probably a right move to jail/mute you, being an alt of someone who has caused trouble but still unknown for the most part. Also considering the fact that you only provided two screenshots and nothing beforehand, I would not be surprised if you attempted to start stuff and is why you were punished.

Some might argue that they're unconnected, but my ban being uncontested proves they are. I called him out on being an alt there back on the 27th and he would be unable to argue for an unban without blowing his cover. I checked the IPs and they didn't match, but it's been several months as you can see from the ban logs.