Author Topic: what's the issue with your school?  (Read 2853 times)

What's the deal with airline food?

Damn expensive. The School just wants your money to make more buildings. They aren't building any that would benefit highschool. (School is a combination of Primary and Secondary.)

So I'm leaving school in 4 days. Forever.

i don't study or bother studying because my teachers don't grade my work at all, my english teacher hasn't even graded my first assignment

the financial aid office is a loving pain in the ass and I always have to call them on the phone to fix 'holds' they put on my account (they don't help you for stuff)
the price is expensive, and i am getting more in debt (loans loans loans)
parking sucks richard. on average it takes me like 30 minutes to find parking. you have to literally stalk people as they walk to their vehicles to find a parking spot.
also most of my professors have a weird loving way they talk, whether it's an accent or if they just talk weird.

most people are nice though, and there isn't many cringy people around. Surprisingly almost every single person I've met on campus was really nice, I don't think I've ever met an starfish or anything before. Damn, I must be lucky. Professors aren't starfishs either, sometimes they seem like it, but whenever I talked to them they seemed pretty cool once you get to know them.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2015, 06:03:16 AM by Nobot »

i can't understand a loving word my computer science teacher says. she's from like romania or something. she can't loving read either. she forgets up testing code that she wrote

"are you feeling happy today? happy"

nothing really i go to a pretty good school

1. the food is stuff. THANKS OBAMA
2. sometimes some classrooms are hot hot hot
3. starfishs in the school
4. the school is literally all about 'COMPETITION', namely Accelerated Reader (cancerous stuff we're forced to do) and UiL stuff (more cancerous stuff they wanna force us to do)

need i say more

Too many long term projects
Swamped by homework

The elevator. No student can use the elevator and I was banned from the informatic laboratory for making a card that accessed the elevator.

Too many long term projects
Swamped by homework

this and the teachers ban everything, like over the past two months the only thing you could do was sit down and do homework in school - we had computers, but they never let us use them for anything fun during free periods

it's a byod school but we never use our computers

everyone's depressed because the teachers won't stop

The elevator. No student can use the elevator and I was banned from the informatic laboratory for making a card that accessed the elevator.
Students with broken legs or disabled ones can use it I think

OT: Gets the blame for someone throwing a ruler in someone's face when you never did it

Students with broken legs or disabled ones can use it I think
Yes but I have to go 5 floors by stair and roofs in Argentina are taller than in the US so 5 floors here would be about 6 floors. By stair with my backpack and the heavy-as-forget chemistry books, forget thatl.

My school is known because its full of scum
Like BSO immegrants that barely know the language and dont follow the rules.

Oh and my previous math teacher.
forget you my previous math teacher.