Author Topic: jesus christ raccoonneer is full of himself  (Read 12811 times)
I'm pretty sure not even the most obnoxious users do this.
He made a forum for himself.
I can understand a website for your add-ons. But a forum for yourself?
As you can guess is full of foxes.

I can't even.
P.S: Sorry about all the threads lately.

Please let this be advertising.

wow people are still falling for his bait

Did he make a Badspot account to repost the Blockland rules topic?

Did he make a Badspot account to repost the Blockland rules topic?
no. i did. I bolded do not advertise other forums so he knows.

belongs in drama, but yeah I agree that this guy is a rather stuck-up guy who appears to think that he's got some sort of leverage over everybody

Let him have his fun. It's not like he's bothering anyone with his fox special interest.

Let him have his fun. It's not like he's bothering anyone with his fox special interest.
shapeshift into any animal of your choice.

wow people are still falling for his bait
it's not "bait"
he's a kid. he's like ten years old. this is the kinda stuff kids do

If he is 10 he must have an imaginary fox friend that he pretends to ride.

But wouldn't that go against the advertising rule?
« Last Edit: December 15, 2015, 08:00:16 PM by Theepicman »

>actually giving a stuff about his forum