Author Topic: [PSA] Weapon Creators! You can get a Clients FOV!  (Read 1469 times)

I cannot state how many times I've been so incredibly annoyed that I have to type some /fixFov command just so that my FoV won't be reset every time i switch out weapons or scope in. It's completely unnecessary as there's already a function to get a clients FoV!

The function is:
%client.getControlCameraFov(); and %player.getCameraFov();

If you're trying to author a weapon which changes FOV based on, for example scoping, save this to a variable when you start scoping in and set the fov to that variable when unscoping.

This means no more /fixfov. I'd also love it if existing weapon packs could be fixed so this isn't an issue anymore.

nice, i needed this, i hope more weapon creators will use this

Gravity Cat is the one that started /fixFov.

Gravity Cat is the one that started /fixFov.
that was before when the fov functions were broken and didn't actually return anything but 90

that was before when the fov functions were broken and didn't actually return anything but 90
Ah, I never even knew this was an issue. Perhaps someone could re-release those weapons with the /fixfov commands so that it's no longer required?

Even a list of the addons that include it would be helpful.

I know of at least one that just assumes a default FOV of 90 (nekram's ""stuffty"" pack) so a version that doesn't make this incorrect assumption using these functions that sadly haven't been taken advantage of would be fantastic (even though I wouldn't personally benefit since I use a edited version of said pack).

I'm going to be working on removing the need for /fixFov in gravity cat's raycasting weapons. Any other addons that need to be fixed besides Nekram's?

I'm going to be working on removing the need for /fixFov in gravity cat's raycasting weapons. Any other addons that need to be fixed besides Nekram's?
the warfare pack also has this issue, being a derivative of nekram's pack

I'm going to be working on removing the need for /fixFov in gravity cat's raycasting weapons. Any other addons that need to be fixed besides Nekram's?
where are you gonna post the fix for this? i could really use this

where are you gonna post the fix for this? i could really use this
Going to be contacting the makers of the add-ons to see if they can update their versions to the ones I provide, and if not then I'll be posting them in a separate addon thread.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2015, 10:42:17 PM by Ipquarx »