Author Topic: The boy who saved Christmas!  (Read 2197 times)

So this cringy 90s movie showed up on TV.

Apparently Santa has an evil edgy emo twin named Atnas who resents santa and wants to take over his workshop. He tries killing Santa and turns out Santa hits his head and wakes up with Amnesia. The boy in the title finds him and brings this would be "Santa" to his house.

At first the mother is startled that a grown male is hanging out with her child but after like 5 minutes she's totally okay with it and Santa starts sleeping over with the boy.

The boy gave santa his memory back.

The father comes home and demands this santa gets the forget out (what a richard!) the wife says he is harmless, the father eventually caves in because he is a man and isn't allowed to oppress women.

I forgot this part.

Santa defeats Atnas and everyone lives happily ever after!

The movie is so bad you can barely find anything about it and when you search "The boy who saved Christmas!" you'll just get a bunch of kids on youtube with their mom's videocamera making their own short movie.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2015, 02:49:20 PM by Lord Tony® »

Wow, this sounds despicably bad.

I think I saw a part of this movie a long time ago.

Christmas movies are predictable as forget.

The movie is so obscure I literally can't find many images about it or Atnas for that matter.


Atnas with lightning powers!

His goons.

Haha what the forget?

makes me want to watch how terrible this movie is

I see the budget went into those lightning effects.

What the hell

The opposite of elves. They are tall, wear black clothes and have edgy emo makeup.