Author Topic: Death Predictions for 2018 - Accepting Predictions until FEBRUARY 14TH  (Read 114885 times)

i'm not going to count anyone who said Muhammad yesterday or today

i'm not going to count anyone who said Muhammad yesterday or today

i'm not going to count anyone who said Muhammad yesterday or today

yoU forget

Zsa Zsa Gábor
Kirk Douglas
Bob Barker

i suspect that freek mr man and snot2 had something to do with those two's deaths............

death prediction turned real

i suspect that freek mr man and snot2 had something to do with those two's deaths............

death prediction turned real
gotta get them internet points one way or another

anyone going to die in 2016
anyone going to die in 2017

no those are the years people stop dying

i will die in 2017
don't worry I'll make sure it happens

don't worry I'll make sure it happens
it will be a gr8day

i'm not going to count anyone who said Muhammad yesterday or today

I said it before he died though