Author Topic: Bear_Tracks\Cantaloupe\Caribou - handicapped swine  (Read 34267 times)

This is caribou? I thought it was the other guy, the one that was always depressed and stuff. Can't remember his name but he was a furry.
toothed deer
foile a deux
donnies catch

He most likely means Vincent or Toothed Deer, both absolute cunts just like Caribou.

A lot of harsh words on this topic about me, mostly from people who've never spoken to me.

this whole thread is loving killing me lmfao

caribou, i can feel the anger building up inside of you please let it out and let us get a hearty laugh out of it

A lot of harsh words on this topic about me, mostly from people who've never spoken to me.
we don't need to speak to you to understand your handicapness

respond to me here so I don't need to keep taking screen shots, i dont want my pms full of your messages to me

i think this thread is necessary because you are a known forgethead and this really needed to happen, i respected you on my server but that was before i knew you were an alt of caribou

respond to me here so I don't need to keep taking screen shots, i dont want my pms full of your messages to me

i think this thread is necessary because you are a known forgethead and this really needed to happen, i respected you on my server but that was before i knew you were an alt of caribou

I don't appreciate you posting a personal message here.

I don't appreciate you posting a personal message here.
nothing on the internet is personal my friend

anyways, you trying to solve this while making an attempt to sound "mature" makes you look like an autistic idiot hell bent on damage control in my opinion

I don't appreciate you posting a personal message here.
sucks doesnt it, stop trying to go full handicap damage control and understand that everyone here doesn't like you

Sadly can't remove the top part

Thanks caribou for these lovely words of wisedom
I wish signatures had enough characters so I wouldn't have to frankenstein images together

here's just the quote

the only reason i don't like him is he is taking control of sugar, the rest of the information with this "caribou" guy i don't know about.
Send me a pm if you do and knowlage me about "caribou".

I guess I'll take this opportunity to link three separate times (read from where I linked and beyond) in which I've corrected caribou on misinformation he felt the need to unapologetically spread DESPITE his claim that he's "open to accepting his mistakes" (paraphrasing):

that one time he thought the president signed supreme court decisions into law

(my favorite) that one time he thought that germany wasn't a western nor developed nation, the nobel prize wasn't real/it doesn't count for a measurement of scientific achievement, and facts are apparently the same thing as opinions

and that one time caribou thought obama would veto cispa when he literally couldn't because he'd already signed it into law

just thought I'd bring these up again because it's a testament to the inverse ratio between his cranial density and volume of grey matter