Author Topic: Jairo's Vassals and Vandals RP - A MOST HOLY ENDEAVOR! DOWN WITH THE KHANATE!  (Read 20818 times)




(click image for full size)
last updated February 06, 2016, 11:38:45 AM

Welcome to my humble mini-roleplay based on games like Mount and Blade and similar. Players will control knights and pledge allegiance to whichever nation they desire and engage in glorious COMBAT and CONQUEST and COLOGNE! Align yourselves with a king and rise through the ranks, assembling a band of hardened souls and marching to victory!

The collapse of the First Empire plunged Realm Astor into a state of disarray and betrayal, precipitating the creation of six nations and the invasion of another. In order to restore peace, one of the seven rulers must be crowned High King through an asinine voting process involving themselves. As a result, the only way to bring peace is for one nation to conquer a majority of the nations present.

Just simply state you're joining (please name your character and give a brief bio). You may pick what nation to begin in. All players will start as men-at-arms, a mercenary. From there you can visit villages (small dots) and recruit men to assemble a warband. You may then either remain a sword-for-hire or pledge allegiance to a particular king. Only as a vassal to a king may you be granted fiefs (villages, castles, and cities). If you want to conquer a fief and try to found a new kingdom, may the gods have mercy on your soul.

If you wish to release yourself from a pledge of allegiance, speak with your king. He will confiscate your fiefs and you will be freed of your contract.

Check HERE for the history of the seven nations, the state of their rulers, and their owned fiefdoms.

As a bonus, click HERE for the list of vassals and click HERE for the traits of said vassals.

(color denotes vassalship/mercenary work)
(check vassals list to see what they're up to)

Maxwell. (Maxwell Dungoun)
CypherX (Muamed ibn-al Rashidun)
TristanLuigi (Sval Myrsky)
Badger (Adalwolf Braunau)
mattsos (Tu Khan)
bigcapitalbaka (Vincent Schwarz)
Mr. Hurricane (Ruslan Stoika)
grunterdb1951 (Emir Szczepanski)
McZealot (Merek of Luca)


Kingdom of Narvik vs Ogden Khanate
Kingdom of Narvik vs Carpaccian Empire
Tebessa Caliphate vs Ogden Khanate
Tebessa Caliphate vs Carpaccian Empire
Tebessa Caliphate vs Kingdom of Avignon

Ogden Khanate and Carpaccian Empire


1. Battles between players are settled through either a single or a series of posts by myself and the battle's affiliates. The players' choices in troop composition and strategy will influence the outcome of the battle as well as limited RNG.
2. Technology will progress as a result of events controlled by me. Don't worry about it.
3. Map edits that are not included in the OP are not final unless identified as such.
4. Act within reason (that includes omniscience/metagaming/powergaming).
5. You may not sell fiefs. You may only exchange them (1 village for 1 village, etc.).
6. Naval combat will be handled similar to land battles.
7. If you are pledged to a certain country, you must follow calls to arms from your king and respect defensive treaties made with other countries. Failure to do so may result in exiling or execution. If you wish to break a pledge, you will have to renounce your fiefs to your king.
8. You cannot RP for vassals you do not control.
9. If your character dies, you may make another.
10. Try to stay within reason of the era.
11. Do not personally insult another player for their actions in the thread. If you wish to berate them, do it in-character.
12. Do not argue with the OP unless the OP explicitly asks for criticism regarding a particular update or result.
13. If you have a problem with a battle's outcome or king's decision, suck it up. That's the way the dice roll. I consider myself a fair "dungeon master" and will not bend my rules to suit your tantrums.
14. If you feel something is amiss or could be improved, privately message me.
15. You are allowed to enter "stasis" where the OP will control your character for as long as you are gone (ex. you need to go to camp for a week).
16. Attempting to loophole my rules will result in your removal from the roleplay.
17. Amendments to the rules are possible. Be aware.
18. Good luck and have fun!
« Last Edit: February 08, 2016, 04:53:31 PM by Jairo »

Carpaccian Empire

Disputed successor state of the famed First Empire, the Carpaccian Empire is a superb economic giant centered around defense, sharpshooting, and forestry.

The empire's ruler, Basileus Tiberius the Avaricious, is a greedy and frankly delirious leader. As such, the legitimacy of the Carpaccian Empire's claim as the successor to the First Empire is often dismissed.

On another note, the Carpaccians have never lost a single fief to another country due to the expertise of their crossbowmen.

Basileus [capital]
Capuleta [Quintus Caelius]

Calz Castle
Walpurg Castle [Agrippa Lucretius III]
Grunhild Castle [Agrippa Lucretius III]
Vectis Castle
Linguin Castle
Remus Castle

Montague [Quintus Caelius]
Trost [Adalwolf Braunau]

Masovian Empire

Also known as the "Graveyard of Kings," the Masovian Empire is Realm Astor's premier expert in siege technology. Throughout its lengthy history, the biting weather of Masovia has claimed the lives of seven enemy rulers.

Tsar Vladimir the Terrible is feared in most courts for his supposed cannibalism. Unsurprisingly, he has no wife and no heir. His strength in combat more than make up for his romantic handicaps, however.

The freezing temperatures of Masovia make the use of cavalry and crossbows futile. As a result, Masovians rely on superior siege technology and trained archers to drive invaders out.

Tsarigrad [capital]

Chech Castle [Borislav Vlaev]
Pyotr Castle [Borislav Vlaev]
Riga Castle [Borislav Vlaev]
Rassvet Castle
Vilnius Castle
Tchaik Castle [Igor the Furnace]
Breninsky Castle [Igor the Furnace]
Harz Castle


Holy Coventry Pact

The Holy Coventry Pact is, again, the youngest nation in Realm Astor (formerly supplanted by the Republic of Vaasa). In order to gain its independence, it had to fight a bloody conflict against three nations: the Masovian Empire, the Kingdom of Avignon, and the Tebessa Caliphate. The Pact ultimately won, however, not without losing most of its experienced generals.

King Charles the Lionhearted led his vassals on all fronts of the Coventrian War for Independence. He is widely respected in all courts for his honorableness, even in the nations he defected from.

Coventrian knights are feared for their devastating charge power and speed; useful traits for an "expeditionary force" of sorts. When defending or attacking a castle is a different story.

Coventry [capital]
Brandingshire [William the Fortuitous]
Dortimer [William the Fortuitous]

Kyiv Castle
Stirling Castle
Dunsinane Castle
Inverness Castle

Perth [Maxwell.]

Ogden Khanate

In order to escape inquisition from their overlord the Tebessan Caliphate, Ogdenians sailed across the Scipio River to safety, displacing local Narviks through the use of mounted archery.

There is no noble or royal class in Ogdenian culture. The highest ranking general is named Khan, and as of right now it is Bulgan Khan.

Ogdenian mounted archers are both quick and fearsome―able to strike an enemy from a distance and move before being hit back. Absolutely devastating on flat land.

Untaan [capital]

Khesi Camp
Tsungen Camp
Tatuahe Camp
Sukhbataar Camp [Chimbai Khan]
Kublai Camp

Grum [Chimbai Khan]
Karak [Tu Khan]

Kingdom of Narvik

Narviks draw much of their national identity and culture from their role in the collapse of the First Empire and draw much of their wealth from organized raiding operations against the Avignese and Masovians. Perhaps the only safe haven for scoundrels and thieves, as well.

Jarl Harald the Guillotine gained his honorific for decapitating Queen Louise of Avignon before the Council of Astor. As such, relations between Narvik and Avignon are especially strained.

The Kingdom of Narvik's most durable and brutal asset is their sword-and-board berserker foot soldiers, men trained in the art of amphibious landings and pillaging.

Bjorn [capital]

Ost Castle [Ingard Morgensson]
Lindisfarne Castle [Ingard Morgensson]
Trondheim Castle
Nort Castle
Sindel Castle

Gork [Sval Myrsky]

Kingdom of Avignon

A nation built from the pockets of First Empire nobles, the Kingdom of Avignon is a haughty economic trade node for the Scipio River. In order to combat the constant raiding parties from Narvik, Avignon hires mercenaries like nobody's business.

King Francis the Stammerer leads the Avignese. A man weak in diplomacy but strong in moral fiber, he is a formidable foe on the battlefield. His hatred of Jarl Harald is unmatched by any coal's fire.

Lately, the Avignese have been investing in ship designs to intercept raiding vessels before they land. In the meantime, advances in pike formation and discipline have served well to mitigate the spread of raid parties.

Lutece [capital]
Bordeaux [Pascal Moreau]

Dogger Castle [Pascal Moreau]
Claret Castle
Arret Castle
Rhine Castle
Arngeves Castle
Toulouse Castle
Normind Castle


Tebessa Caliphate

The Tebessa Caliphate is a foreigner to Realm Astor. Their empire spans far into the southern interior of the unknown, a testament to their superior military discipline. Ever since their loss in the Coventrian War for Independence, however, their power has been on the steady decline.

Sultan Yusuf the Lawgiver is a civil genius, albeit a young one. His successes in combat are negligent, and his recent ascension to the throne has caused quite a bit of controversy in the houses of Mehmed.

Tebessan lancers can shatter entire lines of infantry with a single charge. Additionally, Tebessan use of slaves means their numbers are far greater than any other's in Realm Astor.

Shirvan [secondary capital, primary capital is off-map]

Jawhar Castle
Yasser Castle [Bedri Hussein]
Maqali Castle
Acre Castle
Dunrama Castle
Kabiyye Castle

Toqorra [Bedri Hussein]
Labat [Muamed ibn al-Rashidun]
Djemahdet [Bedri Hussein]
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 11:51:16 AM by Jairo »

start in the holy coventry pact, name is Maxwell Dungoun

I pledge allegiance to king charles the lionhearted
« Last Edit: December 27, 2015, 11:09:44 PM by Maxwell. »

Name: Muamed ibn-al Rashidun
Age: 34
Affiliation: Self/Tebessa leaning
Physical traits: 6'0 even, broad shouldered, wiry. Thick black beard, scar over left eye.
Bio: Orphan for as long as anyone can remember. Saved from execution due to thievery from a veteran warrior who taught him most of what he knows. Life in a successful mercenary company afforded him moderate wealth and exposure to the elite, who he disdained for their apparent disregard for anything or anyone but themselves. Travelled north when the Tebessan Caliphate conquered northwards.
Traits: Merely competent fighter and below average siege master, but an exceptional tactician and brilliant commander of cavalry. Superb troop trainer and savvy talker due to his upbringing, but has poor relations with most royalty as well. Mediocre tracker with no knowledge of engineering, higher level mathematics and medicine.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 11:33:56 PM by CypherX »

jairo do you know how bad of an idea it is to drop this on Christmas day

this is going to operate similar to abs fiesta in the sense that I'll update it at a leisurely pace

it's not that big of a deal if it's slow

.............what the h

start in the holy coventry pact

I pledge allegiance to king charles the lionhearted
King Charles the Lionhearted: You have no soldiers nor any express military expertise, however, we are low on manpower so I will accept you into the Pact. Together we will protect our independence. I have bestowed upon you the village of Perth as your knightly fief. God save the king.

I'll make a separate post about vassals, their fiefs, and soldiers later

I travel to the village of lowdry, where I attempt to hire some soldiers to join me

I go to the inn at Shirvan and scrape my faithful second in command, Khalid ibn-al Not Walid, off of the floor

for real though look for mercenaries to hire

it also seems rather pretentious for the leader of the country to tell god to save him in conversation
« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 07:56:52 PM by CypherX »

I travel to the village of lowdry, where I attempt to hire some soldiers to join me
You convince 7 remedially trained recruits to join your party.

I go to the inn at Shirvan and scrape my faithful second in command, Khalid ibn-al Not Walid, off of the floor

for real though look for mercenaries to hire
Due to a shallowness in your pockets, you fail to hire any mercenaries. However, a few (5) distressed farmers overhear your offer and join you.

it also seems rather pretentious for the leader of the country to tell god to save him in conversation

well damn son I guess I need to become a vassal to get some crazy $$$$$$$$$$$$$

see if anyone needs a job done in the city

well damn son I guess I need to become a vassal to get some crazy $$$$$$$$$$$$$

see if anyone needs a job done in the city
Your recruits tell you of a bandit attack on their home village of Labat some distance northwest of Shirvan. They do not have much to give you, but they would be thankful if you investigated.

A second job comes from a merchant looking for someone to peddle silk to the Masovian city of Pskova, however, he doesn't trust your rag-tag bunch to make it there safely.

Be a person in Norssk: Sval Myrsky.

Sval hears news of growing unrest on the Bret-Riga peninsula, apparently from a people called the Vaasa. Given their culture seems quite close to that of the Narvik, he sympathizes deeply with their quest for independence and considers that his king may too. Regardless, he pokes his head around the taverns in town to see if there are any soldiers willing to join him.

(FYI: I cleared this through Jairo before posting)
« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 09:27:41 PM by TristanLuigi »

I'm gonna ask you guys to make up an appropriate name for your character as well

Unhired Mercenaries

=[Emir Szczepanski]=
Resting in Litovsk, Masovian Empire
Giuseppe Sforza [companion, support]
6 veteran swordsmen [melee]
7 trained javileneers [infantry]
14 veteran footmen [melee]
28 trained footmen [melee]
12 trained archers [ranged]

=[Merek of Luca]=
Resting in Ardeneaux, Kingdom of Avignon
Father Bruno [companion, support]
3 veteran footmen [melee]
39 trained footmen [melee]
16 prisoners [prisoners]

Carpaccian Loyalists

=[Basileus Tiberius the Avaricious]=
Resting in Basileus, Carpaccian Empire
35 trained spearmen [melee]
25 sharpshooters [ranged]

=[Quintus Caelius]=
Besieging Sindel Castle, Kingdom of Narvik
46 veteran spearmen [melee]
14 pikemen [melee]
2 ladders [siege]
15 sharpshooters [ranged]

=[Agrippa Lucretius III]=
Besieging Himmelen, Kingdom of Narvik
40 veteran swordsmen [melee]
40 veteran spearmen [melee]
30 trained archers [ranged]

=[Adalwolf Braunau]=
En route to Basileus, Carpaccian Empire
11 trained footmen [melee] (10 wounded)
1 trained scout [support]

=[Merchant Vincent Schwarz]=
Resting in Basileus, Carpaccian Empire
Yossarian [squire, accompanying]
6 trained crossbowmen [ranged]

=[Squire Yossarian]=
Resting in Basileus, Carpaccian Empire
No soldiers.

Masovian Loyalists

=[Tsar Vladimir the Terrible]=
Resting in Litovsk, Masovian Empire
25 veteran swordsmen [melee]
1 engineer [siege]

=[Borislav Vlaev]=
Resting in Pyotr Castle, Masovian Empire
50 veteran spearmen [melee]
2 engineers [siege]
12 veteran archers [ranged]
33 trained archers [ranged]

=[Igor the Furnace]=
Resting in Pskova, Republic of Vaasa
100 crack pikemen [melee]
1 engineer [siege]
30 veteran archers [ranged]

=[Mercenary Casimir Shatter-shield]=
Resting in Tsarigrad, Masovian Empire
21 crack pikemen [melee]

=[Mercenary Ruslan Stoika]=
Resting in Litovsk, Masovian Empire
Raskolnikov [companion, support]
14 trained footmen [melee] (2 wounded)
4 trained archers [ranged]

Coventrian Loyalists

=[King Charles the Lionhearted]=
Resting in Coventry, Holy Coventry Pact
50 trained spearmen [melee]
10 trained pikemen [melee]
10 crack mounted knights [cavalry]
10 untrained archers [ranged]

=[William the Fortuitous]=
Resting in Deverin, Holy Coventry Pact
46 trained pikemen [melee]
15 crack mounted knights [cavalry]

=[Maxwell Dungoun]=
Resting in Perth, Holy Coventry Pact
13 trained swordsmen [melee]
25 trained footmen [melee]
8 trained archers [ranged]

=[Mercenary Pierre Entente]=
Resting in Eire, Holy Coventry Pact
16 trained swordsmen [melee]
31 trained spearmen [melee]
12 veteran footmen [melee]
15 veteran crossbowmen [ranged]
8 veteran mounted knights [cavalry]

Ogdenian Loyalists

=[Bulgar Khan]=
Besieging Tarmoth, Kingdom of Narvik
19 trained footmen [melee]
21 veteran mounted archers [ranged]

=[Chimbai Khan]=
Resting in Dulk, Ogden Khanate
13 trained swordsmen [melee]
10 trained footmen [melee]
22 veteran mounted archers [ranged]

=[Tu Khan]=
Resting near Fjinn, Kingdom of Narvik
37 veteran mounted archers [ranged]
15 veteran cavalrymen [cavalry]
17 veteran footmen [melee]

=[Mercenary Freyd the Wolf]=
Resting in Gobi, Ogden Khanate
12 veteran swordsmen [melee]
20 veteran footmen [melee]
6 veteran crossbowmen [ranged]
5 trained archers [ranged]
10 veteran cavalrymen [cavalry]

Narvik Loyalists

=[Jarl Harald the Guillotine]=
Resting in Bjorn, Kingdom of Narvik
15 crack spearmen [melee]
15 berserkers [melee]
10 trained archers [ranged]

=[Ingard Morgensson]=
Resting in Tarmoth, Kingdom of Narvik
25 veteran berserkers [melee]
11 trained crossbowmen [ranged]
9 trained archers [ranged]

=[Sval Myrsky]=
Resting in Litvosk, Republic of Vaasa
32 trained footmen [melee] (2 wounded)
2 trained archers [ranged]

=[Mercenary Douglas the Glasshearted]=
En route to Finsk, Kingdom of Narvik
18 crack pikemen [melee]
49 trained spearmen [melee]
12 trained archers [ranged]

Avignese Loyalists

=[King Francis the Stammerer]=
Resting in Lutece, Kingdom of Avignon
15 crack pikemen [melee]
14 crack crossbowmen [ranged]

=[Pascal Moreau]=
Resting in Rhine Castle, Kingdom of Avignon
20 crack pikemen [melee]
15 trained footmen [melee]
2 ladders [siege]
15 trained crossbowmen [ranged]

=[Mercenary Mahomet the Great]=
Resting in Bordeaux, Kingdom of Avignon
15 crack swordsmen [melee]
30 crack spearmen [melee]
10 expert archers [melee]
10 crack crossbowmen [ranged]

=[Mercenary Bayezid XVI]=
Resting in Grimsby, Kingdom of Avignon
22 veteran swordsmen [melee]
17 veteran spearmen [melee]
15 crack archers [melee]

Tebessan Loyalists

=[Sultan Yusuf the Lawgiver]=
Resting in Shirvan, Tebessa Caliphate
50 trained footmen [melee]
12 trained archers [ranged]
15 trained lancers [cavalry]

=[Bedri Hussein]=
Resting in Yasser Castle, Tebessa Caliphate
35 trained swordsmen [melee]
25 trained pikemen [melee]
10 trained archers [ranged]

=[Muamed ibn-al Rashidun]=
Resting in Saalih, Tebessa Caliphate
Ahmed ibn Hatim [companion, ranged]
4 veteran pikemen [melee]
2 veteran spearmen [melee]
7 trained spearmen [melee]
7 trained swordsmen [melee]
8 trained footmen [melee]
5 trained archers [ranged]
7 trained lancers [cavalry]
1 trained scout [support]

=[Mercenary Thorvald the Scalper]=
Resting in Shirvan, Tebessa Caliphate
15 veteran berserkers [melee]
8 trained swordsmen [melee]
10 veteran spearmen [melee]
19 veteran archers [ranged]
3 untrained mounted knights [cavalry]

« Last Edit: February 12, 2016, 05:25:33 PM by Jairo »