Author Topic: Known Only as (tigerclaw)  (Read 1965 times)

Ok blf so i got on this guy's server named (tigerclaw)'s lel and when i spawned he loaded a save, half of the bricks weren't there so i asked? here's pretty much what happened..

Thing (me) : Did you build this??

(tigerclaw): MAYBE

Thing: by maybe you mean no...

so what im saying is he stole some poor man's build.

okay i'll be sure to ban the missing bricks from my server

we have no idea what build you're talking about, the blid of who you're talking about, and any reason to give a stuff

Sometimes I build on my friends server with custom bricks, and later on I carry on in my own server.
However I don't always have the custom bricks he has, so it doesn't load properly.

My point is that just because not all the bricks had loaded it doesn't mean he must have stolen the build.
And at any rate, it's not a crime to save/load someone elses buld. It is not nice to claim you built it, but it's not against any rules to say you did either.

I think it's ok, he's telling OP what he needs in a successful drama, not saying "lol Idc"

this really isn't a problem it was obvious that he didn't make it and he didn't claim it was his. and if he did you didn't show any evidence. 

I think it's ok, he's telling OP what he needs in a successful drama, not saying "lol Idc"
I think it's edging it.

Might as well ask why we should give a stuff about any drama topics.
The OP can't make us care. If you do, you do. If you don't, you don't and you don't post.

sorry bout that. what i should have said is that his overall lack of evidence and minimal effort in presentation caused this to be, by all means, a lackluster drama that would be unlikely to bring attention to anything.

BL_ID isn't in DAProg's database from what I can tell. Does anyone have it?