
Do you think that Blockland as a whole is dying off and for how long?

No, I don't think it's dying
Yes, it started dying 5+ years ago
Yes, it started dying 4 years ago
Yes, it started dying 3 years ago
Yes, it started dying 2 years ago
It started dying recently
It started dying as soon as rtb went down

Author Topic: Is Blockland dying?  (Read 4937 times)

Let's see if we can get a "blockland is dying" thread everyday in 2016
bisjac should pay for the alts since he's rich

You can edit dramas now?

You can edit dramas now?
When was it edited? This did get moved from General Discussion, so that might be what you're seeing

When was it edited? This did get moved from General Discussion, so that might be what you're seeing
The first reply made it seem like that.

It was in GD when I originally made that post.

GJ, OP. First "Blockland is Dying" topic on 2016, on New Year's Day. Way to go. This is just essentially just becoming a running gag (as in trolling) on the forums.

You can edit dramas now?
Administrators (Badspot) and Global Moderators (Rotondo, formerly Ephialtes) can edit any post in any board, even Help and Drama.

If you see the edit message by anyone else in Help or Drama, that just means someone most likely edited the post before the thread was moved.

it would probably throw new players off thinking the game is actually dying

it would probably throw new players off thinking the game is actually dying
so change the title to
RIP Blockland (not really) or somethin like that
either way it would be funny if it was stickied

that would ruin the charm