Author Topic: So I missed the bus today  (Read 1922 times)

I was ready and up and I was taking a shut eye for like 2 minutes, turns out I slept for 30 mins which was a minute over my bus stop time.

Now I got deal with problems later and tomorrow because this happened

Has anyone else done this? I hope so
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 08:16:25 AM by Kyuande »

I'm homeschooled but I don't have this. What I would prob do is call the school and tell them where you are and what happened

no i drive myself to school

Call mom or dad or a friend and ask for a lift

"has anyone else overslept?"

findclientbyname("Kyuande").player.setTransform("x y z");
Maybe if you have a nearby friend to help you get there?

are you working on your aim?

This happened to me. Like exact same thing, difference is I wasn't ready and the bus driver blew his horn to get me. I then promptly got ready in the matter of minutes

i got to stay home cause my frickin eye is scratched

are you working on your aim?

loving love this extension
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 12:46:38 PM by Drydess »

I don't think I ever missed the bus when I used it to get to school, but I could be wrong. I know I had been late driving myself to high school though (not more than like 5 minutes) and I have been so late to my college classes that I've missed multiple classes.

I've missed the bus plenty of times and I usually take the subway. I've got almost 15 absences last year because of 1/4th of absence caused by my lateness.

i ride a bike to school every day, much better than taking the bus/other form of public transportation. really can't imagine myself having to pay to go to school every day