Author Topic: Emote_Cry  (Read 7303 times)

« Last Edit: January 07, 2016, 09:36:22 PM by TableSalt »

but what if horse was not kill

isn't /sad used for the super admin password

isn't /sad used for the super admin password
Never heard of it being used that way..
Should I change it to /cry?

where do you think the "/sad kitty 3 times" joke comes from lol

where do you think the "/sad kitty 3 times" joke comes from lol
this lol

/sad [word] by default attempts to get admin with password [word]. this works for admin and super admin. i didn't realize you can override default servercmds...

Lol, imagine how many people would be kicked for using /sad if this add-on was on a popular server.

Lol, imagine how many people would be kicked for using /sad if this add-on was on a popular server.
2016 newyearparty...

Looks more like I'm sweating nervously

Yeah, you gotta change it to /cry

I have a better filename.
