Author Topic: Any players you just simply hate?  (Read 331112 times)

You're not Eletrck, get forgeted you utter richardhead. Don't loving mention that stupid purple stuffmobile.

Insert name here cause he's a big-ass bitch

Insert name here cause he's a big-ass bitch

Insert name here

I really haven't had a problem with him, he's actually kinda nice.

I really haven't had a problem with him, he's actually kinda nice.
He couldn't take people making jokes about him and to me that's being a giant pusillanimous individual. He's a nice guy ya but a giant pusillanimous individual bitch

Ya and he kept begging for positive attention from Tenshi

Insert name here
Insert name here cause he's a big-ass bitch
all aboard the hate bandwagon

OT: I haven't really developed any hate for anyone, but if I were to pick one, I'd pick PortalGamer9000, he's cancerous as hell.

all aboard the hate bandwagon
This is such a stupid loving phrase. There is not a "bandwagon" because people agree with the same point. forget off.

This is such a stupid loving phrase. There is not a "bandwagon" because people agree with the same point. forget off.
chill, i was trying to do a light-hearted joke (which sucked)

I'm chill as forget, you twat.

I'm chill as forget, you twat.

Why do you always jokingly lose your chill man?

Is your life an everlasting hell or are you just here to flame for the stuffs and giggles?