Author Topic: How do you raise Environment Water past slider limit?  (Read 355 times)

/title. How do you raise the water height found in environment options past the slider bar limit (which is 100 Meters I'm pretty sure). Is there some console command, like setting fov higher than what exists in the advanced options tab? Help is appreciated, thanks!

function setWaterHeight(%h)
   WaterPlane.setTransform("0 0 " @ %h);
   WaterBlock.setTransform("0 0 " @ %h / 2);
   WaterBlock.setScale("500000 500000 " @ %h);


Might work. Use it like


function setWaterHeight(%h)
   WaterPlane.setTransform("0 0 " @ %h);
   WaterBlock.setTransform("0 0 " @ %h / 2);
   WaterBlock.setScale("500000 500000 " @ %h);


Might work. Use it like


I just copy and paste first thing into console, then use second command to change height? I'm probably doing something wrong but it doesn't seem to work

I made a function for this some time ago; will post when I get on my PC later

I made a function for this some time ago; will post when I get on my PC later
Zeblote already posted it

I just copy and paste first thing into console, then use second command to change height? I'm probably doing something wrong but it doesn't seem to work

nono you package this in an add-on

Or you could copy the function and then do eval(getClipboard ());