Author Topic: The Return of The 4digit IDs  (Read 5681 times)

105 ids away from being 4 digit

i wanna be a cool kid too :(

Huh, I never noticed an increase. I see 4 digits almost on every server

We never left


4044 get forgeted kid

but yea never left

did 1337 get forgeted too

105 ids away from being 4 digit

i wanna be a cool kid too :(

I'm 542 away. If I'd bought the game right when I found the demo then I'd have been a 4 digit.

You're here forever.

no matter what

I'm back :D (with a 5k lol)
You're here forever.

no matter what

I left after some compatibility issues with the Steam interface surfaced such as pressing Numpadenter always took a screenshot even though i binded it as something else.

Now that has gone away and i can come back and build again.

I see a lot of 20k-40kers, although now that I think about it I've never seen 80k, 70k, or 90k people...

40k was near before Blockland was released on Steam.

It was growing at the usual rate so there was a fair amount of time to by a 40k ID but then when Blockland was released on Steam it jumped to 50k and then grew rapidly.

I never left and I can't leave.

I'm stuck in this hell forever.

I never left and I can't leave.

I'm stuck in this hell forever.

some kids on a server i joined the other day literally freaked out at how low my ID was.. even though i frequently see 2kers

my blid is 80k and people still freak out about low it is and then people who are 30k call me brand new and stuff like that

my blid is 80k and people still freak out about low it is
I doubt that