Author Topic: What weird things do you do that somehow no one else does?  (Read 1979 times)

Exactly as the title says. I got bored and wanted to make an interesting (hopefully) topic.
Interpret the (no one else does) clause however you want.
I'll go first, obviously.

I actually sit down to use the bathroom, and opt to never use urinals, even if it's the only choice available. (which is weird for a guy, I guess?)

I strive to use proper grammar and word usage on an online forum where it usually doesn't matter. (Unless I don't want to intentionally.)

I actually pay attention in history class.

I like black coffee.

I dislike the taste of cantaloupes and similar fruits.

I like broccoli.

I wash my hands religiously, but the rest of my body...not as much.

I hope that's enough to get you guys started.

I usually have my head tilted at an angle and I don't know why
I'm really picky when it comes to food (I don't eat pizza)

I eat poptarts without toasting them

i like broccoli too

i carry a 30 pound backpack to school every day

I eat cereal without milk and pour chilli sauce on Doritos

I also like broccoli

Im pretty sure live under a rock when it comes to things relevant to my culture

I forget to eat breakfast and dinner a lot because I'm distracted by the computer

I create really complicated projects and plots for things I don't need to do.

I sometimes stare off into the distance like there is a camera there, like I'm in The Office or something.

I change my wording occasionally to manipulate people to have my opinion.

I enjoy broccoli.

Take lots and lots of screenshots. Of games, images, chatlogs, anything.

I crack anything I can often.

I pull my finger when I'm nervous sometimes.

I ask people to repeat themselves so I can think if I should lie or not.

that's all I can think of rn

The sitting down to piss would be pretty common I'd imagine, especially now with so many people using their phones in the bathroom.

I use hand sanitizer literally once every 10 minutes (sometimes more often than that) at work. Outside work, I only use it before eating.

I can dislocate both of my hips and my left arm, but not all three at the same time.

I'm not gay.

Nothing would make me happier than throwing the house pets off the roof of the house. I don't do that though because it's not easy to get up there.

I eat ice.

I'm not that funny but I can make people laugh.

Getting to drive anywhere on any day for any reason always gets me excited, and I drive every day.

I have a bad habit of twirling my hair when working, nervous or frustrated.

i cant stop cracking my fingers every few minutes

I'm not gay.

I have a bad habit of twirling my hair when working, nervous or frustrated.
i do this to my beard

talk to myself and forget if i said it aloud or just thought it

im straighter than a ruler