Author Topic: [Server] Challenge Helper 1.0  (Read 1852 times)

Includes events and functions useful for people creating challenges.

This Add-On REQUIRES Event_SpeedRun by ottosparks AND Server_GoTo by jes00 or IT WILL NOT RUN

  • Level saving/loading
  • Speed-running events by use of Event_Speedrun
  • Quick level-changing by use of Server_GoTo
  • Speed-run exploitation prevention (by use of /goto)
  • Optional tags that show your level, color changes every 10 levels
  • Multiple challenge support (you can have multiple saves for different challenges on one server without deleting files)
  • Optional death by liquid
  • Preferences for either RTB or Glass (not sure if oRBs is good)

How to Use:

1: Build a challenge with distinct ends to every level with space for checkpoints between each level. Each checkpoint should be named Level_## where ## is the level



2: Add events to the end of the level

An example using Zones at the end of Level 3:

  • levelEnd is the most important function here, and is 100% required.
  • levelUnlock is used to unlock the level for use with /goTo
  • SpeedrunStart (not shown) under "Player" is used to start the timer. Place somewhere before the start of the level that is not obnoxious.
  • SpeedrunEnd is used to end a Speed-run. The name must match exactly as the name of the player's speed-run! The box at the end must be checked!
  • setCheckpoint sets your checkpoint to the named brick. Can be any brick, just know that you will be placed at the CENTER of that brick when you spawn!

3: Set the Level Count preference to the amount of levels you have.

  • Challenge Name is the name of your challenge. Saves and speed-run times are saved in config/server/challenge/ChallengeName . Changes will load the saves/times found there, and reset everybody to what was loaded.

The rest should be obvious.

4: Make sure everything is how you want it to be.

If any problems arise, feel free to add me on Steam (comment first) to ask.

It's entirely possible that I forgot to add some features on here, but ask me if you have any questions, or comment here if you have any suggestions.

Possibly coming soon (probably not):
 - Ability to change tag colors via prefs
 - Reduce/remove Self Delete delay

Here's an example map for you to examine if you want.
It uses Event_onBrickLoaded, Brick_VerticalPlatePack, Event_Zones and Brick_Zones (which you should get even if you aren't exploring, they're really good add-ons)


*cough* Also, the code is heavily commented if you wish to scrutinize *cough*
« Last Edit: January 15, 2016, 03:18:16 AM by Achoo »

So many challenge servers are going to appear.
But my body is ready.

So many challenge servers are going to appear.

There's nothing wrong with this!

Haha, never mind!
« Last Edit: January 15, 2016, 06:56:02 PM by Achoo »