Author Topic: Spammers at Badspot's Block Party  (Read 9073 times)

the funniest part is that if pie crust never posted in this thread noone would have gave two stuffs lol

the funniest part is that if pie crust never posted in this thread noone would have gave two stuffs lol
pie takes every opportunity to start stuff

the funniest part is that if pie crust never posted in this thread noone would have gave two stuffs lol
pie takes every opportunity to start stuff

which is odd considering at this specific thread it's to his own detriment.

Or should I say


but yay OP is standing on my baseplate

why am i not surprised that these people would do this. especially pie crust

why am i not surprised that these people would do this. especially pie crust
eat the pie crust

Maybe Pie Crust will show up in the thread later again if we keep talking about them and they commit their final slip.

I am 100% sure that said slip would never happen.

you could've blamed it on your dog if you weren't balls deep in it

if you think this stuff is bad they did a 9/11 reenactment

I am 100% sure that said slip would never happen.

Is this recent?

Is this recent?

That's Pie Crust's last account.

His current one is Pastrey Crust.

I haven't been on in a while, and I can see, well, pie crust got his dues.

Is this recent?
That ban happened when Pie Crust took part in the 'I HAVE THE LAST LAUGH' chainban that happened on another drama thread.
(which was the slip for Pie Crust)

That ban happened when Pie Crust took part in the 'I HAVE THE LAST LAUGH' chainban that happened on another drama thread.
(which was the slip for Pie Crust)
noedit: which is semi-old, at least like 2-3 months or something