translate what the above user is saying

Author Topic: translate what the above user is saying  (Read 1697 times)

above poster posts in a non-english language

below has to translate it into english without looking it up, even if he knows it or not

then he has to post another foreign phrase


je suis ananas


i am star fishes

soy un patata

so, below user, what do you think "je suis ananas" is

you have no star fish

Kahnuu wopusa

can you whip your son?

Ich habe jeden Tag ein Schwanz gesaugt.

I have every day sucked a rooster.


"I am weeaboo trash."

I am a raging homoloveual.

I am cigarette

I have terminal brain cancer.

b0s i habe a canser

Bist du sehr schwul?

my name's electrk I'm brain damage in human form

knulla mig

"forget you", probably

le meilleur hexaèdre est le parallélépipède rectangle, et le meilleur solide est la banane

"The miller light hexagon is a parrallelperpendicular rectangle, and the miller light is solid, here is a banana for comparison."

Te voodja ist Van Halen day ma venue iz variable for ze event.

this is van halen vodka and i might be here for the event

j'encule ta mère avec du saucisson et du beurre

Perkeleen paskaa syövä jälkeenjäänyt huora

The devil stuff-eating handicapped young

Sie können meine verdammte Schwanz Sie verzweifelte Mutter Homoloveuell Hure saugen.

You can my loving richard suck desperate mother gay whore

peningar peningar í hendi mér hversu margir mæður eru í hljómsveitinni minni