Author Topic: I'm already nearing 2000 posts  (Read 2761 times)

i don't have that many posts because i go outside

they say if you reach post count 1337 it'll show up as "leet"

BLF is literally one of my biggest social outlets because nobody really cared to stay in touch with me out of high school. Now it's BLF and work, which is pretty much just four or five cool people who think it's too awkward to meet up outside of work. Everyone else is just tumultuous drama freaks who always have a problem with someone (or me) at any given time.
blf is my outlet for my stress, which can cause problems when you get heated over stupid stuff for no reason (sorry ike)
I've got friends irl but I just don't really want to talk to them a lot of the time

blf is my outlet for my stress, which can cause problems when you get heated over stupid stuff for no reason (sorry ike)
I've got friends irl but I just don't really want to talk to them a lot of the time

The reason that I like online interactions is because I can choose to be nice, ignore, or even harass people (not that I do that intentionally) with no physical/mental repercussions. I mean, I could get banned, but that won't actually affect me other than not being able to use the forums. In real life if I'm a pisshead to people, I have to constantly deal with them and they can potentially affect me.

i too have friends in real life but they don't want to do anything outside of school. so i come here.

i only made like 40 posts in 2015

i only made like 40 posts in 2015
I've made more than that in a day.

i too have friends in real life but they don't want to do anything outside of school. so i come here.
only one of my friends to go my school
they have nothing to do with my school life
the one friend I do go to school with I act hostile towards because school puts me on edge
the love of my life lives across the loving country
you should try and find some not school friends

I've made more than that in a day.
thats not really a good thing unless your posts are high quality

thats not really a good thing unless your posts are high quality
They are indeed
One time I have 120 posts in a day.

only one of my friends to go my school
they have nothing to do with my school life
the one friend I do go to school with I act hostile towards because school puts me on edge
the love of my life lives across the loving country
you should try and find some not school friends

i don't do anything after school. not in any clubs or whatever

Y'all are amateurs.

Vegetarian Zombie was only around for a year and managed to make almost 20000 posts.

Y'all are amateurs.

Vegetarian Zombie was only around for a year and managed to make almost 20000 posts.

I'm 100 posts behind him. Should pass him up before a week.