Author Topic: Vehicle Air Drop - v4  (Read 8063 times)


A modified version of the Air Strike Beacon by Jetz and Pandan.
Drops a vehicle care package. Inspired by Just Cause 3

Right click with the beacon to pull up the vehicle menu and select a drop type.
You can also use /beaconVehicle vehiclename with the vehicle beacon in-hand to set the drop type.

You can restrict vehicles from beacon access with /beaconRestrict vehiclename
use the command again to un-resitrict the vehicle

/clearDropVehicles - Clears all beacon vehicle drops
/setBeaconMax - Sets the max drop amount per player

-Used my own remote model with button pressing animation
-Fixed being able to pickup multiple beacon items
-Properly rotated beacon projectile
-The f14 has an engine sound

-Vehicle color based on team color if in a minigame
-Easier vehicle restriction that saves in a list
-Fix bugs


Clearing drop vehicles command is broken. For now use /clearFloatingBricks to remove beacon spawns

The antenna on the beacon remote is black in-hand and when it's first spawned on a brick.
It turns grey after you pick it up at least once, but always stays black in-hand.
I have absolutely no idea why this happens, just a small visual bug...

When using the GUI, do not put in a brick name or you will get a console error!
Keep in mind there is no brick planted down, so it can't have a name
« Last Edit: February 11, 2016, 02:39:34 AM by Goth77 »

Seems nice, remote model is kinda eh.

Seems nice, remote model is kinda eh.
Sorry, didn't spend much time on it; I was more focused on the core functionality.
model for v2?
« Last Edit: January 26, 2016, 03:20:39 AM by Goth77 »

The antennae is having a seizure, don't mind it.

Sorry, didn't spend much time on it; I was more focused on the core functionality.
model for v2

It's better but still could use some work. I'd suggest making the button itself slightly bigger making the round end on the antenna less-smoothish? I don't know how to explain it but I think you and others will get what I mean.

really forgetin cool addon either way :>

Sorry, didn't spend much time on it; I was more focused on the core functionality.
model for v2

Looking better, the circle at the top still pretty gross.
A suggestion would be some kinda server pref that lets you limit what vehicles people can airdrop.
Also, if you throw this down for an airdrop, wouldn't it make more sense for it to be a flare or something? You don't exactly throw down buttons to activate them.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2016, 01:11:54 AM by Legoboss »

Looking better, the circle at the top still pretty gross.
A suggestion would be some kinda server pref that lets you limit what vehicles people can airdrop.
Also, if you throw this down for an airdrop, wouldn't it make more sense for it to be a flare or something? You don't exactly throw down buttons to activate them.
I will definitely be adding an admin command to disable certain vehicles from being air dropped.
Also the air drop uses an electronic transmission signal (via BL-GPS). Flares are old skool

-Admin command to restrict vehicles from beacon use
-Beacon projectile rotation fix
-Updated model w/ animation

« Last Edit: January 26, 2016, 03:20:12 AM by Goth77 »

The new model looks great!

Instead of having to input the vehicle name, you should make the vehicle wrench menu pop up and then you select the vehicle from the list.

My question is that is there a way when activated you could have the beacon display a drop down list of vehicles to choose from instead of typing them?

Similar to how server music displays a drop down list of music to pick from.

My question is that is there a way when activated you could have the beacon display a drop down list of vehicles to choose from instead of typing them?

Similar to how server music displays a drop down list of music to pick from.
So exactly what I said just above you.
It wouldn't even require a client portion.

So exactly what I said just above you.
It wouldn't even require a client portion.

Oh yeah I didn't even see that.

It's totally doable and it is server sided.