Author Topic: This has been bugging me all day  (Read 1510 times)

Alright, so I am in the middle of browsing my PC docs looking for some file I can't remember, and the TV is kinda loud so I look over at it, also my daughter is sitting there laughing at cartoons on tv which made me laugh a bit too.

Well ok the laugh was over and I had turned back to my PC, and returned to what I was doing. But, out of the corner of my eye when I glanced back over I seen something move on the chair I was sitting on. And it was a loving spider!! Literally about  2 inches from my manpackage, and im sitting here wearing loving PAC-MAN PAJAMA PANTS. This forgeter could have bit right through that stuff! I jumped up pretty quick like "OH stuff!" then proceeded to smash it with a near-by flip flop

Unfortunately, I am not sure if I actually killed him or not...I seen part of his gushy leg on the floor where I thought I squished him, but it's not the full body and I'm scared he's gonna bite me in my sleep and kill me/exact revenge.

I'm loving serious, a part of me feels that spider is still alive and plotting.

try to look for that forgeter and finish the job.
but i do think that he already bled out or something, but you never know.
anyway, hope for the best.

Gasoline, matches, and fire work pretty well for spider extermination. Just douse your carpet with gasoline, drop a match, and run. Guaranteed effectiveness.

i never understood how ppl can be so scared of spiders I mean most of the time the lil 8 legged brothers just chillin there

Gasoline, matches, and fire work pretty well for spider extermination. Just douse your carpet with gasoline, drop a match, and run. Guaranteed effectiveness.

This has a 100% mortality rate.

For the spider, of course.

Yours is a tad higher.

Did you see what spider it was? If it was just some kinda common house spider, you'll be fine. The bite might hurt but it won't be poisonous unless any neighbors you may or may not have are breeding radioactive super blackandred widows of death.

You'll be fine.

If it still seriously worries you, just turn on all lights, and look around. Spiders are good at hiding, so expect it to be in a crevice somewhere.

i never understood how ppl can be so scared of spiders I mean most of the time the lil 8 legged brothers just chillin there

I used to capture the wild Tarantulas around our old house and keep them as pets.

I was a very odd child.

First, check if you live in an area in which mighty bitey spiders exist. If not, then the worse thing it can do is make webs in very inconvenient places and show up to spook ya. You've gotten rid of one of it's legs, so at least it can't run as fast anymore.

Second, remember that spiders are isolationists. If you leave them alone they will tend to leave you alone. Sure you took his leg, but spiders, especially the small ones, take that as a reason to steer clear or you rather than to get you.

Should I feel bad for laughing at this?

dont be so redicilous ofc its not going to attack you like the little baby can even realize you spastically took her limb
« Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 02:00:45 AM by Donnies Catch »

try to look for that forgeter and finish the job.
but i do think that he already bled out or something, but you never know.
anyway, hope for the best.
I've been waiting all night. I'm almost paranoid about this. Never before have I been so afraid and so willing to kill for survival at the same time...mixed emotions.

Gasoline, matches, and fire work pretty well for spider extermination. Just douse your carpet with gasoline, drop a match, and run. Guaranteed effectiveness.
Sounds extremely effective, but I'd like to avoid burning the house down if possible

i never understood how ppl can be so scared of spiders I mean most of the time the lil 8 legged brothers just chillin there
Thats exactly wtf he was doing and thats why I flipped out. It was creepy asf

Should I feel bad for laughing at this?

hedge apples are apparently bullstuff, but I've heard lemon and mint are effective at keeping them away

I'm arachnophobic too, but this still seems kinda silly...

Just become friends with him. :)

Just become friends with him. :)
my house is 30% spiders no flies, no gnats, no beetles
just spiders
it's very comfy

You're a forgetin pusillanimous individual. You must befriend the spider so that it can eat all the forgetin flies, mosquitos and giant snakes that'll rock up eventually.

Man up or ditch the toys, mate.

You're a forgetin pusillanimous individual. You must befriend the spider so that it can eat all the forgetin flies, mosquitos and giant snakes that'll rock up eventually.

Man up or ditch the toys, mate.
dude wears pacman pajamas r u expecting a better result than OP? haha