


Author Topic: Re: Blockville. -The End-  (Read 49599 times)

May I be on the white-list? My username is Dr_Zegobob. I might come on later this week when I have less work.

May I be on the white-list? My username is Dr_Zegobob. I might come on later this week when I have less work.

Ninety-six is the server cap now?! I guess we need to get more people on then!

who owns the donkey in lockerby?

Could you white-list me, I'd like to play. Username : Spoons101

Could you white-list me, I'd like to play. Username : Spoons101

Can you add me? Im FatherGibus


For what it's worth since no one ever plays

does anyone even play this
its very quiet here

I'll come play when I have time (ie soon (TM)), just been super busy lately. D:

guys lets set up an event where every one will join on a certain date and time and have a good time

Yeah, I usually poke around there sometimes but when noone is online it isn't as fun.

Just name the day.

Yeah, I usually poke around there sometimes but when noone is online it isn't as fun.

Just name the day.
What day or time you suggest? Tomorrow could be good.