Author Topic: good upgrade? yes? no?  (Read 2603 times)

?? why would i need to get windows 10 when i have it?

also, so i should get like an fx-4300 and some am3+ mobo?

never mind, it's 80 bucks for it
Windows 10 home is $110 USD, pro $200.

You can get a Windows 8.1 key from /r/Microsoftsoftwareswap for about $24 usd, you would save money and you would be able to buy better parts.

Also don't forget AMD will be releasing both Socket AM4+ and their new FX APUs (No more CPU only option) along with support for DDR4

Pricewise however I have no idea how much these will cost.

if ur really desperate you can go buy used parts from places like or whatever
I know some people that have good stuff of off craigslist.

i'm not that desperate tbh

also, the g3258 is a good processor if oc'ed to 4 ghz. there's videos with the g3258 and a gt 730 and they play games like gta 5 and the witcher at medium to high settings at about 40 - 50 fps

yea well youre not gonna be OCing anytime soon with ur PSU cuz thats cooking an electronic bomb in ur case i mean i dunno whatq ur expecting take that stuff to the airport or something smh

yea well youre not gonna be OCing anytime soon with ur PSU cuz thats cooking an electronic bomb in ur case i mean i dunno whatq ur expecting take that stuff to the airport or something smh

so i shouldn't take the chance with the psu?

Windows 10 home is $110 USD, pro $200.

You can get a Windows 8.1 key from /r/Microsoftsoftwareswap for about $24 usd, you would save money and you would be able to buy better parts.

this still makes no sense to me. are you saying i should get windows 10 pro?? even then, it still makes absolutely no sense

You can save a lot of cash buying Windows 7 or 8, 8.1 and using the free upgrade offer instead of buying the OS for the whole price.
he said he IS using windows 10

windows 10
i forgot to ask this question before, how old is that PSU you have?

not only is it a slow speed, you also have virtually nothing to use when windows 10 inevitably eats up 2 of the 3 GB.
now play bf4 which uses around 2-3GB of ram...

...that's a lot of stuff hitting the page file and i'm pretty sure you have a regular harddrive.
a ram upgrade is a no brainer here, nothing will improve until you make a ram upgrade.

the problem i see here imo in the gpu vs cpu battle is...

with battlefield 4 and fallout 4 on that list, those games hit the cpu just as hard as the gpu.
so a gpu upgrade serves no real benefit for those two games, maybe i'm underrating the e6700 but i don't think it will.
but a cpu upgrade will serve no real benefit for a lot of other games like star wars battlefront.

a gpu upgrade is a gamble but will ultimately benefit you in the long term since you plan on upgrading the CPU AGAIN if you go the cpu route.

honestly i think you would benefit the most from a psu upgrade sooner rather then later if it's older.
but if it's a younger psu which i doubt make the upgrade when you pull off the upgrade for your stronger CPU.

if you make the psu upgrade delay your gpu upgrade until you have a bit more money to afford a gtx 950
it shouldn't be much.

or if you want to go the CPU route i honestly recommend the amd FX series cpus and sticking to them. (for this next motherboard at least)
it is a more readily available choice and when paired with a gtx 950 you really couldn't ask for more.
but if you go with something more powerful then a 950 then the cpu is going to become a problem.
and you should be able to make the upgrade to the newer cpu sooner.

an option i recommend is buy the ram and psu if its older and see if the cpu is really that bad, if you still think it is then go the cpu route, if you don't go the gpu route.
Windows 10 home is $110 USD, pro $200.

You can get a Windows 8.1 key from /r/Microsoftsoftwareswap for about $24 usd, you would save money and you would be able to buy better parts.
are you dyslexic?
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 10:16:18 PM by Trymos »

so i shouldn't take the chance with the psu?


you shouldnt even be taking a chance having that psu in ur computer cuz u might burn down ur house and then nobodys gonna be happy

are you dyslexic?
No I am not, when I upgraded my CPU my 8.1 key no longer worked and I almost had to pay for a new key but Microsoft Support literally gave me a new key for free.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 10:21:24 PM by ZERØ »

i bought the psu almost a year ago

i think i will go with an fx-4300 or something because i do not want to keep upgrading processors.

My bad I though you where going to buy since I though when you get a new processor you need a new key since its considered a new computer.
if he gets a new motherboard which is essentially required for this cpu upgrade it will count as different hardware but he can just phone call microsoft and tell them about his situation and they'll be more then happy to reactivate windows for him.

i always thought my os is activated through my hard drive somehow. didn't know that lol

i bought the psu almost a year ago

i think i will go with an fx-4300 or something because i do not want to keep upgrading processors.

you got two options because of your limited budget.
the problem with replacing the psu is it'll essentially require $235, $35 over your budget.

you can either wait on the cpu or wait on the psu.

the PSU isn't TERRIBAD, but it isn't good either because it isn't 80+ certified.
i think the fact that you're not putting demand on it is the biggest reason why it hasn't failed yet and a cpu upgrade while it would stress it more because it's an amd fx cpu, i don't think it would be a big difference in psu demand.

but if you go the gpu route then you have to replace the psu the same time as the gpu since that raises your risk too high

you're in a stuffty situation with hard choices.

>wait on the cpu and get the psu
>wait on the psu and get the cpu

pick one, can't have both, sorry. you're stuck with the ram in every situation because it's pretty much required to even have a good time.

here are the parts that i think you should upgrade to:

AMD FX-6300
EVGA 500-600W 80+ Bronze Certified (pick which wattage is cheaper, i don't know if the 600 watt is cheaper because of my prime membership or what)
GIGABYTE GA-78LMT-USB3 (rev. 6.0) AM3+ AMD 760G + SB710 USB 3.0 HDMI Micro ATX AMD Motherboard
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 10:38:13 PM by Trymos »

i added a 500w evga psu to the list and it's 230 dollars.

i added a 500w evga psu to the list and it's 230 dollars.
that's the problem alright.

you can go the pentium and have a better upgrade path but you'll be spending more money long term and you can have best of both worlds with the psu and cpu, wasn't thinking about that. but the problem is it's a weaker cpu in a world where more cores are becoming more necessary for gaming thanks to the ps4 and friends.
the amd fx doesn't have a great upgrade path but is a better cpu and it is also an overclocking beast.

but you can honestly forget about overclocking for now, not until you have the money for a separate cpu cooler which you definitely dont have. the stock one will have to do.

amd is generally sub par to intel (debatable but that's how i see it). wouldn't it better to stick with intel, so later i can get an i5 or something? i can always get a new gpu as well. all i've been playing is source games for years, and a few more months isnt gonna hurt me.

amd is generally sub par to intel (debatable but that's how i see it). wouldn't it better to stick with intel, so later i can get an i5 or something? i can always get a new gpu as well. all i've been playing is source games for years, and a few more months isnt gonna hurt me.
that's exactly what i mean by a better upgrade path, you have the option to upgrade to an i5 without replacing your mobo if you take the pentium.
you would also be able to take up the psu as well which i highly recommend over the cpu cooler since overclocking wont do you much if it makes the psu cry blood.

so yeah you could do it that way and it'll be fine if you cut out the cpu cooler and just stick with the stock cpu cooler without an overclock until you can get one. should be fine.

just keep in mind you're gonna have to contact microsoft when you reactivate windows, so after you install the motherboard you're probably going to want to reinstall windows. you don't have to.

once you boot into the windows 10 desktop go to Start > Contact Support > Services & Apps > Windows > Setting Up category which should include activation issues and get into a text chat in microsoft and everything should be taken care of as long as you still have your windows 7/8.1 product key.

why would i need to reinstall windows?