Author Topic: Blogland + rant - I think my GM is retaliating against me for taking another job  (Read 1754 times)

GM = general manager for you unemployed jr. high and high school kiddies

As some of you know from a couple weeks ago, I landed a job at Walgreens because my Hardee's job was barely giving me any hours at all (5-10 hours a week). I was planning to work both jobs  part-time which, from the looks of my Walgreens hiring conditions and my expectation of Hardee's hours, appeared to add up to approximately 25 hours a week.

Backstory: I've worked at Hardee's since June 2015 with a rough average of 20 hours a week (frequent variances) but the store recently got chewed out by the DM (district manager) and had to cut hours on people, hence the sudden decline in my hours. By coincidence, right when my hours were docked I got the call from Walgreens requesting an interview in response to an application I sent in May 2015 (~8 months wait...?). I went to the interview and got the job on the condition that I would work weekends for Walgreens and a few weekdays at Hardee's, so I went and talked to my GM about it. She was getting all antsy about me saying that they wanted me weekends because that's when I worked the most hours at Hardee's, so I told her that I'd see if I could work something out.

I did work something out. I managed to pull some strings with Walgreens so that they would work me weekdays and let Hardee's have as many weekends as they wanted. I even told Hardee's that they could put me down for a couple weekdays as well. I stayed in frequent contact with Walgreens and my Hardee's GM so that they would know what days that I work and at what location.

Now we get to today: the week that I am supposed to begin my actual paid work with Walgreens. I decided to drive over to Hardee's to pick up my schedule for this week as well as to grab some discounted food before heading home. I didn't see my GM there but I saw her car parked outside. I looked at the schedule and to my dismay, she had me working 37.5 hours this week every single day only omitting the two days that I said I worked at Walgreens. I have never once worked a schedule that long in my lifetime and on top of that, never had a .5 hour either. I'm guessing that this is because 38 hours is counted as the full-time threshold and she's trying to work as hard and long as she can without letting me have full-time benefits. On top of that, I am a full-time college student with 14 active credit hours. There is literally no space for any sort of possible homework because most of my shifts start right after my final class ends.

This 37.5 hours of Hardee's plus my hours at Walgreens could be putting me somewhere near 50 hours of work this week plus 15 hours of class time plus 25 hours of commuting time plus ~45-50 hours of sleep. There are 168 hours in a week so you can see where that puts me. Saving all of my homework for Saturday morning and Sunday evening won't work, because I have deadlines this week as well as a research paper due next Monday AS WELL AS a speech to give in class this coming Wednesday.

No idea what I'm going to do now. I don't want to quit my job at Hardee's because it's my primary source of income (even with the piss poor wages). I don't want to quit Walgreens because they pay more than Hardee's ever will and I need to save money so I can move out of state next semester.

On top of that, my GM told me the other day, word for word, that, "You either have a first priority job, or you have one job." I'm feeling rather intimidated right now because I'm starting to sense some sort of aggression here. I'm supposed to be working as a part-time worker as a full-time college student with two sources of income, and she's only trying to make it harder for me out of spite.

it's time to have a little 'talk' with her

do the math and see if it's better to work at walgreens by itself or hardee's by itself

wow what an immature cunt

Well, Walgreens is paying more and seems like a less hostile environment given they were flexible with your Hardee's schedule. Is it possible to drop Hardee's and get more hours at Walgreens?

I'd quit hardees anyway. if walgreens is paying more then I'm sure you'll eventually be able to get the hours you need from them and have more money than you got from hardees
I wouldn't wanna work under someone like that, especially if there was another option

I don't know your financial situation, but I would not let your part time job(s) interfere with your schooling either. Not just the classwork but with socializing with other students and faculty within your department as well.

Well, Walgreens is paying more and seems like a less hostile environment given they were flexible with your Hardee's schedule. Is it possible to drop Hardee's and get more hours at Walgreens?
This would be where I would go first of all.

But otherwise, talk to your GM about the new hours.
Are you contracted for a set amount of hours?

You certainly don't want to be working more for less. I wouldn't cut out Walgreens though, thinking that at least you'll have high hours at Hardees. Because if they've been fickle with your hours to begin with, and raise them with no warning, they'll drop you down the moment you aren't working for Walgreens, and you won't be earning more again.

I'd quit hardees anyway. if walgreens is paying more then I'm sure you'll eventually be able to get the hours you need from them and have more money than you got from hardees
I wouldn't wanna work under someone like that, especially if there was another option
sums up my thoughts

You have some options.

1)Quit Walgreens and get piss poor wages because they toned down the hours again.

2)Quit Hardees and get more hours at Walgreens.

3)Settle this in court.

Well, Walgreens is paying more and seems like a less hostile environment given they were flexible with your Hardee's schedule. Is it possible to drop Hardee's and get more hours at Walgreens?
do the math and see if it's better to work at walgreens by itself or hardee's by itself

This was my first idea. After talking to Walgreens, they said that there isn't really room on the schedule to give me more hours. I also don't know specifically how long I will work there per day yet, but I'm scheduled for 4:00PM Thursday and Friday so I'm thinking until 10. Gross pay there will come out to $102 for this week if my hunch is correct. If I'm not correct, it won't vary by too much. Hardee's will come out to $281.25, so they take the cake for what pays more for this specific week.

Another pro (as well as a con) for Hardee's are my coworkers. A majority of them are truly awesome people who I love being around. It's almost like the high school that I never had, except that I don't do anything with them outside work. There are also the coworkers that I hate working with, but there aren't many of those. Most of the people I don't like just outright hate me or else act like total douches to me, but in terms of coworkers, I'm inclined to lean towards Hardee's since I don't know anyone besides the assistant manager at Walgreens.

it's time to have a little 'talk' with her

This is what my mom suggested after I discussed it with her, but this idea completely freaks me out due to the nature of my unpredictable general manager. Before I took the second job, she was always acting funny and messing with me and making jokes. The last couple days however, there seems to be a different vibe when I'm around her. She's not being openly hostile or anything, but she's not really socializing with me either.

I'd quit hardees anyway. if walgreens is paying more then I'm sure you'll eventually be able to get the hours you need from them and have more money than you got from hardees
I wouldn't wanna work under someone like that, especially if there was another option

Also a possible option, but losing pay is something that I simply cannot afford right now. Although I have a beefy savings account that I can tap into at any time, I'm also dealing with my car (you know about that lol) on a daily basis, paying $65/month on insurance, 150 or so in gas, and a few other amounts on other necessities (phone, food on days where I can't get home, etc).

But otherwise, talk to your GM about the new hours.
Are you contracted for a set amount of hours?

I'm set as a part-time worker, but she knows that I'm also a college student and is giving vibes that she's anything but happy with me taking another job. I'm afraid that if I bring it up with her that I need less hours, she'll think I'm doing it to get more hours over at Walgreens and I could get laid off as soon as the next batch of new hires are experienced enough to take my place.
3)Settle this in court.


Another reason that I'm not attached to Hardee's is that after nearly eight months of working there, they're somehow getting away with paying me 15 cents/hour UNDER minimum wage, never given me any sort of raise or promotion, and the most I get is a pat on the back for a job well done before collapsing in bed at home only to be faced with a mountain of homework.

Quit Hardees. Don't tolerate abuse from them when you have another option literally already set up for you.

Just don't even show up the first day of the week, lol. That'll teach the manager a lesson.

15 cents per hour what the forget

15 cents per hour what the forget
15 cents under minimum wage, per hour

Quit Hardees. Don't tolerate abuse from them when you have another option literally already set up for you.

Just don't even show up the first day of the week, lol. That'll teach the manager a lesson.

Tempting, but getting fired is not going to look good when applying to jobs down the road in comparison to a resignation. I'm guessing most people won't try to contact a Hardee's as a character evaluation or to check up on how truthful my other applications are, but I don't want to take the risk.

15 cents per hour what the forget

paying me 15 cents/hour UNDER minimum wage

The bolded is pretty important. I make $7.50/hour, but the state minimum wage is $7.65.