Author Topic: when did feminism go downhill  (Read 11176 times)

I'm not sure what "policy" you're talking about? he banned spece for being overtly tribal/loveist/what have you
and one other guy for trolling
I don't understand what you're trying to say he should do
"I'm against all forms of bullstuff.  Yes, social justice warrior snowflake-ism is bullstuff - but so is dismissing whole classes of loveual preference as a unnatural mental illnesses.  I'd like to think there's a healthy middle ground somewhere between tumblr and the westboro baptist church."
badspot also called "identity politics" a brain virus. specever was a troll
he also mentioned he banned spencever for the white power stuff in his sig

"I'm against all forms of bullstuff.  Yes, social justice warrior snowflake-ism is bullstuff - but so is dismissing whole classes of loveual preference as a unnatural mental illnesses.  I'd like to think there's a healthy middle ground somewhere between tumblr and the westboro baptist church."
yes, I can see what he said. but what policy are you saying he should enforce?

to ban the obvious and problematic bigots and the super liberal sensitive tumblrites.

to ban the obvious and problematic bigots and the super liberal sensitive tumblrites.
the only person he banned who had anything to do with that was spece
not any of the other conservative people. nor any liberal people
nobody in this thread has big neo-national socialist symbolism signatures. or whatever the alternative would be for "tumblrites"
there was never any "policy" to enforce, aside from "no trolling allowed" which he still bans people for on occasion

nobody in this thread has big neo-national socialist symbolism


i was responding to otis. i'm tired of his neo-national socialist propaganda and i wish he would just forget off to stormfront so at least he can circlejerk about his genetic superiority over there

i was responding to otis. i'm tired of his neo-national socialist propaganda and i wish he would just forget off to stormfront so at least he can circlejerk about his genetic superiority over there
wait so is he actually serious? i just kinda assumed he had a running joke going

wait so is he actually serious? i just kinda assumed he had a running joke going
no, he's trolling. I don't really know why he's just... allowed to do it, but I guess it's probably related to the same reasons bisjac is

otis and bisjac are the biggest trolls and they're able to get away with it because ???
because they've been here so long?
who knows

i don't care if he's trolling or not. he's been doing it for years (literally) and before i didn't really care but he's been bringing it up so often now that it's annoying as hell.

otis and bisjac are the abe simpsons of the forums

they shout out handicapped stuff every once and a while for attention but we should ignore them because they're senile

Same reason why we let you exist in the first place. You're as much of a waste of space as anyone else on this planet. You have your own opinions, you express them. SJWs have their own opinions, they express them. Nobody is right, nobody is wrong.

Social Justice Warriors make it their life goal to unjustly defend other groups of people in their own self-righteous manner. However, if you're the one attacking the SJWs, you are actually the worse of the two.

Fascism is a terrible concept for that exact reason. There's so many different people in the world, so many different points of view. Strong becomes subjective, and so does weak. In the end you just have another group of self-righteous starfishs who will be out for blood.

but we're objectively better, and there is a right and a wrong: we're right and they're wrong.

otis and bisjac are the biggest trolls and they're able to get away with it because ???
because they've been here so long?
who knows
bisjac has literally said he supports CIA
he couldn't get more trolly

but why let them exist in the first place

Who's authority is it to 'let them exist'? They exist because they do. Unless you're calling for premeditated genocide of people over an ideology I don't understand what you mean

Who's authority is it to 'let them exist'? They exist because they do. Unless you're calling for premeditated genocide of people over an ideology I don't understand what you mean

no you've got it down pretty much