
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2288637 times)

Discuss current political events and anything Donald Annoying Orange related here.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2017, 10:01:15 PM by Tezuni 2.0 »

I would vote for Annoying Orange because i don't believe that filthy mexican bernie sanchez will do anything good for america

Probably Marco Rubio since I agree with most of his propositions, but he doesn't really stand a fighting chance right now. Between the big names in the news recently (Clinton, Cruz, Sanders, Annoying Orange), I'd vote for Annoying Orange and be ashamed that I did so.

i've added an OTHER option to the poll.

ew who voted for Rubio
Sanders, hands down

Probably Marco Rubio since I agree with most of his propositions, but he doesn't really stand a fighting chance right now. Between the big names in the news recently (Clinton, Cruz, Sanders, Annoying Orange), I'd vote for Annoying Orange and be ashamed that I did so.
Marco's an empty starfish. He appeals more than any other Republican.

probably the person talking about rubio u dum
you never know he may have been bluffing or I just didn't read the thread save the OP
Now you listen here
I'm listening?

I'm listening?

Do you hear that? Yeah, that's right. You can't hear me because I'm only typing.


I can't choose any of these people without seriously reconsidering my actions

Do you hear that? Yeah, that's right. You can't hear me because I'm only typing.

oh forget you got me *offs myself*

Do you hear that? Yeah, that's right. You can't hear me because I'm only typing.
Please, not so loud.