
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2228323 times)

Is it really getting that bad? And who is saying WRONG?

moderator pls cut the mics I want this over already

I want off this wild ride

Y O U  C A N ' T  G E T  O F F  T H E  R I D E

Is it really getting that bad? And who is saying WRONG?
Annoying Orange
he's also sniffling and has a rhaspy voice

Is it really getting that bad? And who is saying WRONG?
clinton: Annoying Orange says he's gonna go hogwild with nuclear weapons
Annoying Orange: wrong

Annoying Orange
he's also sniffling and has a rhaspy voice
Huh. Sniffling in the "Got a cold" way or like hes crying?

Is it really getting that bad? And who is saying WRONG?
i think he said wrong one time and now people are freaking out about it

now if he were saying WRONG three times every sentence like first presidential debate then i'd get it

it's getting heated but it really isnt that bad

Huh. Sniffling in the "Got a cold" way or like hes crying?

Probably both

these debates are the most entertaining thing I've heard ever

I wish the election cycle would be 4 months longer pls more debates

it was the very worst deal in the history of bad deals

everythings an extreme to him lmao
here ya go

Huh. Sniffling in the "Got a cold" way or like hes crying?
like he's got the startings of a cold
slightly less than he was doing in the second debate
nothing serious

Hill brought up the wage gap lmao