
Will Trump get re-elected in 2020?


Author Topic: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD  (Read 2231802 times)

i feel like bernie sanders is going to drop out sometime soon. i'd honestly rather have a republican like kasich than get hillary in office. whether she did or didn't do any of the things she's been accused of, she's still shady af.

I'm positive I don't even need to look at polling data to know this one's bullstuff. There are so many Bernie supporters hopping over to support Annoying Orange over Hillary it's not even funny. Rather, it's frustrating.


Took marco rubio out of the poll, as he dropped out after getting destroyed in his home state of FL.
I'm thinking of resetting the poll again after (if?) kasich drops out, but rubio and kasich hardly got any votes anyhow.

They just hate Hillary that much. I don't blame them, but I don't really approve of that viewpoint either.

They just hate Hillary that much. I don't blame them, but I don't really approve of that viewpoint either.
No, how is it frustrating?

Between Annoying Orange and Hillary or Bernie, I'd pick Annoying Orange. Not because I like Annoying Orange, but because Bernie is furthest from my political views and I would do anything to ensure HRC doesn't clinch the presidency.

This is literally my stance word for word.

No, how is it frustrating?
...Because Annoying Orange is irrefutably bad? Because there are democrats holding an unreasonable contempt for a person who's much more likely not to make us the most hated nation on the planet? I usually like speaking objectively but god damn Annoying Orange just doesn't have any redeeming value in this scenario. Like, forget.

i think the whole bernie->Annoying Orange thing correlates with a kind of political discontent that makes something radical like sanders or Annoying Orange seem like the only logical course of action. they're both anti-establishment

and also really not liking hillary,

look as long as hillary doesnt win im fine

i'm debating voting this year. i really don't have much interest in any of the candidates & none of their politics will really affect my life anyways.

Annoying Orange would be my second choice after Sanders. Hillary is a liar, Cruz looks too much like SoFloAntonio/is the zodiac killer and I don't know much about Kasich except for this statement.