Author Topic: Indiebox problem with my mum  (Read 1486 times)

Well I went to buy this thing called "indiebox" and because they ship from america I have to pay $42 (£30.07) but when it changed my mum kept nagging on at me to say "it's a scam!" when no, it's not, it has green http thing you see on google chrome which shows it is a real website that isn't giving you virus' or scamming you, yet my mum still keeps saying "it's a scam!!!!!"

But considering the fact she says it's just "crap" and not worth my money because it's just games, I can't get it now.

Is it bad that I misread the title as lmaobox

Every mother can be stupid just because they're too dumb to realize anything, no offense

Every mother can be stupid just because they're too dumb to realize anything, no offense
I have to agree that she is sometimes really stupid when it comes to things like these, like she thinks having not enough space on the hard drive will slow the computer down, when it's the ram and CPU that does that, and whenever the internet is slow she's like "DID YOU DOWNLOAD SOMETHING!?" when all I had downloaded was a few blockland add-ons that are under 3MB.

I have to agree that she is sometimes really stupid when it comes to things like these, like she thinks having not enough space on the hard drive will slow the computer down, when it's the ram and CPU that does that, and whenever the internet is slow she's like "DID YOU DOWNLOAD SOMETHING!?" when all I had downloaded was a few blockland add-ons that are under 3MB.
Reminds me when I was accused of downloading a virus 6 times on my moms PC, I don't even go on there

My Mum still doesn't understand that you can't pause competitive multiplayer games

My Mum still doesn't understand that you can't pause competitive multiplayer games

loving this

I want to complain about my mom but she works hard

My Mum still doesn't understand that you can't pause competitive multiplayer games
my mother doesn't understand this either and she plays mmos

My Mum still doesn't understand that you can't pause competitive multiplayer games
I think my brothers and I cried wolf a little too much about this as kids, insisting we couldn't stop now, when we probably could.

My Mum still doesn't understand that you can't pause competitive multiplayer games
I think its more like they don't care

I understand your frustration, but the generation gap is often a very real problem we have to deal with when it comes to these sort of things. Just wait for it to arrive and prove it's not a scam.

I understand your frustration, but the generation gap is often a very real problem we have to deal with when it comes to these sort of things. Just wait for it to arrive and prove it's not a scam.
Again, I have tried that, I've told her about this youtube tick feature and the google green http feature.

Edit: Forgot to say she said that "scam" was the wrong word to use.

Again, I have tried that, I've told her about this youtube tick feature and the google green http feature.

Edit: Forgot to say she said that "scam" was the wrong word to use.
Oops, I didn't read that you didn't successfully complete the purchase. :/