Author Topic: ROBLOX Crossroads  (Read 37598 times)

Holy stuff, now I can relive my childhood dreams.
Haven't played it yet, but I'm hoping it's as good as I remember.

Memories of 2008 Roblox. I miss it.

Even better, the old jump sound, footsteps, music, and the old Badge sound whenever you get a kill streak. And Roblox skyboxes. :-)

Really miss those days back then...Roblox is just a large pile of bullcrap now just try'na get money and spensor all stuff..


what you mean with "this"?
hes agreeing with whatever he quoted

Add the Roblox playertype

there is already one, which sucks..
It really doesn't
It just needs some polishing on the animations.

Someone should make a mod where if you jump too mutch it makes that sound and you tumble