Author Topic: Forumers that left/disappeared/died?  (Read 15693 times)

Some other peeps who stopped coming here

I really miss KINEX

Any of you guys remember Godik7?

I haven't seen Skip around

Also, Jookia, Carzo, Lil Robot, CopBlock, and Kheyre

Some other peeps who stopped coming here

I think he went by bleh777777777777.
He's also like, ancient. A v0002 hero that went batstuff because BL started costing money. He went on this whole thing that it should just be completely free and run off donations.

Also completely forgot about Ytud.

I haven't seen Skip around
i have, he was posting in the helldivers thread

Lil was a richard tho tbh
i dont remember lil ever being rude to anyone

I think he went by bleh777777777777.
I know that he used something like that for his google pages site where he put up various mods, maps and other kinds of RTB 1.x stuff, but for the forums and in game, it was Bleh7777

He's also like, ancient. A v0002 hero that went batstuff because BL started costing money. He went on this whole thing that it should just be completely free and run off donations.
Yeah, that was a sad time, he got me into making mods for Blockland and i liked a lot of the stuff he did, so it was a shame that he left because of that

Also completely forgot about Ytud.
No one can forget about Ytud, his PTTA mod left scars that will never heal

i dont remember lil ever being rude to anyone

He must've been to me, cuz I remember banning him from my server ages ago.

No one can forget about Ytud, his PTTA mod left scars that will never heal
Explains why I forgot about him.

Robo Noob
im pretty sure i actually saw him irl last summer while i was working
we talked but i'm not sure if it was him and i'm not sure if he thought i was me


Back when I was I cancerous young boy these guys were a huge help to me when I tried making really cancerous clans. I wish I could see what they're up to now.

Also I haven't seen Cucumberdude in a while

Messes & Meeses

ID 24410 and 830

I am dead