Author Topic: Favorite 90's toys  (Read 4325 times)

That's my dad you're calling a jerk. :(
Well, i changed my mind.
Now only people named tony born between 1990 and 2000 are jerks.
I think that rules your dad out, because if your dad was born on January the first 1990 and you're 20 like your profile says i think that means your dad had a baby when he was 6 or something.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2016, 10:10:46 PM by Blockchip »

I may have been late to the party but I'll never forget this.

Since people are bring consoles into this that gives me a chance to talk about the PS1. So my aunt used to have a PS1 back then and we'd play whenever we went over to here apartment to visit. Specifically it was the slim version or in other words this thing:

Technically the slim model was released in the 2000's but its still 1994 technology so it still counts dammit
So many great memories playing Crash 3 and Pac-Man World at my aunts house, which isn't even including the other games I played on my own PS1 at home like Crash, Spyro, Ape Escape, Final Fantasy, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, etc.

for some reason i misread the title as "favorite 90's tonys"
The answer to that would be none.
It is a fact my opinion that everyone named tony is a jerk and everyone named tony born between 1985 1990 and 2000 is a huge jerk

I found out why Blockchip hates me so much.

I thought it was a gang sign at first and everyone who ever drew one was considered absolute badass.

The dude's face scares me.

Also lets not forget about these bad boys.

That's my dad you're calling a jerk. :(
how loving young is your father

how loving young is your father
You know what, either I'm going crazy or something weird is going on, 'cause I could've sworn that when I quoted Blockchips post it said "1970 and 2000", not 1985.
My dad was a young father, but not that young, lol. He had his first child in 1990, when he was 19, not 5.

Unless Blockchip edited it just before I quoted him.

Does this count

Also while I was looking for a pic of the yoshi toy I found this

 I figured I post it here since its a Cake Mario

It was around the 90s but still I'll always treasure it

That's my dad you're calling a jerk. :(

Tell your dad that other Tonys aren't jerks.