Author Topic: CTF is awesome.  (Read 2463 times)

That's how I feel about the "Prison Escape" it's more like a Cops vs Inmates TDM than an actual Prison Escape or traditional "Jail RPG"
except his prison escape is a prison escape, it's meant to be a very TDM-esque game.

Well at least his TDM is CTF-esque

except his prison escape is a prison escape, it's meant to be a very TDM-esque game.
CTF is also a very tdm-esque game

unless im not getting what you're saying

CTF is also a very tdm-esque game

unless im not getting what you're saying
CTF usually implies that there's a mandatory objective: capturing a flag.
When this objective isn't mandatory, it's no longer a CTF.
A TDM is a DM with teams, and a DM is usually just endless combat, or based on ending the game via score, gained by kills.

tezuni's ctf server isn't ctf, it's tdm.

points are the winning condition instead of flag captures, which i know slayer can support. he has flag captures set to 20 points and kills set to 1. kills can determine a winner prematurely or even if the team just kills enough players, they can win while ignoring the flag.

it's stupid and i hate it. tezuni is too stubborn to realize it's a tdm as well so i know it won't change.
if i could build well, i'd make my own server that actually was a ctf. i can't build well tho so we just have a stuffty server to play on. it's a shame people donated for this, honestly.
Why'd you play it so long if you don't like it?

You spent a few hours on the server constantly baiting me for a reaction, whining about how bad everything is.
Judging by the player retention and player count throughout the day, the majority of players disagree with you and think it's a great server.

You're the type of guy that joins servers and expects them to conform to how you want them to be. That's called being an entitled brat.
Nobody owes you anything.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 11:22:58 PM by Tezuni 2.0 »

as long as we are talking about the server i think the riot shield is op, i keep seeing people jump into my base and just hold it up 24/7 until someone blows them up, and it usually takes a while. Its just annyoing imo, seems OP, but not impossible to deal with

Yeah, the riot shield is disabled pending further updates to it. Some people will have it saved until inventories are reset though.

Yeah, the riot shield is disabled pending further updates to it. Some people will have it saved until inventories are reset though.
oh ok

Why'd you play it so long if you don't like it?

You spent a few hours on the server constantly baiting me for a reaction, whining about how bad everything is.
Judging by the player retention and player count throughout the day, the majority of players disagree with you and think it's a great server.

You're the type of guy that joins servers and expects them to conform to how you want them to be. That's called being an entitled brat.
Nobody owes you anything.
i was on so long because it was the only server at the time that had a decent amount of players. i had nothing better to do.
i was never baiting for a reaction and i had legitimate complaints about the server. according to the some in the chat i probably also wasn't the only one who had nothing better to do.

i will admit i probably should have toned it down just a little bit, knowing nothing would change anyways.

You're the type of guy that joins servers and expects them to conform to how you want them to be. That's called being an entitled brat.
Nobody owes you anything.
i legitimately laughed out loud when i read this. i expect nothing from anyone and i have never expected servers to conform to what i want.
yes, i know no one owes me anything, but i find it a little funny the guy who has contributed little to nothing to the game except poorly-run servers is telling me this, but i digress.

oh also, thanks to a player who wishes to remain anonymous
I really don't think he likes you, I was on his server just to see what it was all about and he's ranting about what you posted in the forums. Just a heads up, I think he's blacklisting you or something.

I don't know, I thought you'd like to know about it, here's some of the chat messages

like yes, that's all i was complaining about. it's not a ctf lol.
CTF usually implies that there's a mandatory objective: capturing a flag.
When this objective isn't mandatory, it's no longer a CTF.
A TDM is a DM with teams, and a DM is usually just endless combat, or based on ending the game via score, gained by kills.

You're an insufferable cunt lmao. Should've expected this from a guy I hosted for, a few months, without so much as a "thank you".

I've contributed plenty of blockland content, likely more so than you ever will. Because you're inherently lazy, saying you can't build well because you can't be bothered to try and learn. But, I digress, arguing with you and expecting you to be reasonable is like arguing with 2008 kalphiter.

It's a CTF gamemode at heart, and like every other CTF gamemode i've played in other games it has kill-for-points.
You know what, you can call it whatever you want.

You're an insufferable cunt lmao. Should've expected this from a guy I hosted for, a few months, without so much as a "thank you".

I've contributed plenty of blockland content, likely more so than you ever will. Because you're inherently lazy, saying you can't build well because you can't be bothered to try and learn. But, I digress, arguing with you and expecting you to be reasonable is like arguing with 2008 kalphiter.

It's a CTF gamemode at heart, and like every other CTF gamemode i've played in other games it has kill-for-points.
You know what, you can call it whatever you want.
i feel like you're taking this way more personally than he is. honestly he just pointed out his opinion and maybe made a harsh statement or two (which he has backed down from) but you're railing 110% against it like he's trying to drum up an american revolution or something against your british empire lol

yeah I fell for the bait

You're an insufferable cunt lmao.
chill out dude

Should've expected this from a guy I hosted for, a few months, without so much as a "thank you".
the server lagged non-stop and it was hell to deal with managing the server. i had no control over it except for eval.
thank you.

I've contributed plenty of blockland content, likely more so than you ever will. Because you're inherently lazy, saying you can't build well because you can't be bothered to try and learn. But, I digress, arguing with you and expecting you to be reasonable is like arguing with 2008 kalphiter.
i have tried to learn, i've played the game since late 2009. building just isn't my thing and i'm sorry i'm not talented in that area. :(
and i have contributed plenty of content for the game, what are you trying to get at here?

oh i almost forgot Pictionary, the uh, server you were about to host. lol

yeah I took this way too personally Parrot. But you came on strong, over the top.
but seriously you were complaining about latency on slopes too, and nobody else was lagging. I think any lag you experienced when I hosted for you was client side.

yeah I took this way too personally Parrot. But you came on strong, over the top.
again i admit i should've toned it down a bit.

but seriously you were complaining about latency on slopes too, and nobody else was lagging. I think any lag you experienced when I hosted for you was client side.
check the log, i swear i wasn't the only one