Author Topic: oRBS - Service Closing?  (Read 1489 times)

When opening Blockland with oRBS installed, the chat room opened with the following message:

I don't know who to get in contact with, I don't mind keeping the service running on my server over-seas but to continue with it, the plan would be to take it on and gather together a team, along with myself, to continue to develop the service.

If anyone could put me in contact with whoever I'd need to speak to about this, that'd be great!

Thank you:)

EDIT: I'm not sure if this is the correct board, but it seemed like the closest thing to it?

DAProgs is who you need to speak to.

I don't think you have the means nor skills to continue this service to be honest. I would rather it be a long-standing member that we can rely on. Otherwise, we might have that someone is trusted with it, DAProgs falls off the face of the earth, you can't manage it and we're left with nothing.

Sorry if I sound rude, but that's just the reality of it.

I don't think you have the means nor skills to continue this service to be honest. I would rather it be a long-standing member that we can rely on. Otherwise, we might have that someone is trusted with it, DAProgs falls off the face of the earth, you can't manage it and we're left with nothing.

Sorry if I sound rude, but that's just the reality of it.

I understand what you mean, I know of a few people I used to develop mods with before-hand, I know this isn't anything small but I'm more than happy to at least keep what is already there going

If op is looking for another Mod manager with pref support I suggest switching to Blockland Glass.

If its the irc and friend lists you want then your going to either have to wait or settle for steam chat (for the friends list) for global chat I have no idea.

i don't even know about glass now, honestly
development seems to have stagnated

I'm not looking for anything mod wise, oRBS is closing and I'd like to keep the service going

I'm not looking for anything mod wise, oRBS is closing and I'd like to keep the service going

You would need money to pay the rent for the servers, and to keep things in control, routine maintenance of things like the IRC, blid database and other main functions.

You can try but, its better to move on bud, at least RTB will work for you in one way or another, if you need a friends list use steam, steam is free and you can convert your Blockland key to the steam version free of charge.

...there's a list of more than one archive stickied in addons

The other ones are either outdated or shouldn't be recommended