
Do you think Bricktronic is a fuckface Admin?


Author Topic: Bricktronic  (Read 3763 times)

I was playing Bricktronics mod dev,He Removed me from skype for no reason,He then banned me from his server then I asked him why he did that,He Said "You Made Fun Of My FireMod" I said "No,I didn't..." He then banned me forever and he put the reason as "gtfo".

Prove all of this happened. Your word isn't enough.

Chatlogs of the conversation that happened?

Chatlogs of the conversation that happened?
No,But If I could,I would get you the chat logs,

When asked for proof OP posts picture of the ban


when he says he wants proof he wants the loving chatlog

When asked for proof OP posts picture of the ban


when he says he wants proof he wants the loving chatlog
I got banned before I could do anything,

No, but If I could, I would get you the chat logs.
ftfy, and it's a shame. Did you close out of BL? If not, join another server and page up to get the chat.

there have been so many bad dramas this week we should have this as a holiday

the day before april fools


OP you have no evidence of anything besides the ban message

I still need more than that

all of the logs please