new clan: MOB

Author Topic: new clan: MOB  (Read 1491 times)

it stands for Moders/Mapers/Modlers Of Blockland
i would host a server for tryouts but its a clan for the three m's so you don't get in by building.
i had the idea because most ppl who have the skills to make things just make random things whene they are bored so i thoght if they wher all in one clan and that clan acepted requests to make things that ppl really want it would improve the quality of all the add-ons avaliable to the comunity.

curent members:
me (modler/founder)

also the first person to join will get a pie 8D (in .dts format)

1. Do not make a Clan if you are new.
2. Grammar, Grammar, GRAMMAR.
I believe there was a nice big list of these somewhere...

I played RTB for over a year (before retail was made) and just bought retail a few days ago. So im anything but new (well mabey new to these forums). And my keyboard is broken (some butons repeat when pressed and others don't work) so if all your going to do is critisize the clan how about you STHU and/or GTHO

If you spelt Mappers and Modellers correctly, you might get further.

The reason i didn't get retail sooner was cause every one i asked said the comunity was a bunch of imature critical 5-year-olds. Well i should have listened a waste of a perfect good 20$ 8\.
I meen i just come to mention a clan wich would benifit the comunity and this is what i get?

Well i should have listened a waste of a perfect good 20$ 8\.
How do you "listen a waste of $20", unless you just bought 200 habbo credits, and you're listening to that little "ka-ching" sound.

Also, there is a modding clan already called "PPT" which actually makes things that don't look like ass.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2008, 04:05:07 PM by Ephialtes »

Maybe he's just a "todler".  Yeah, it rhymes with "modler".

...wich would benifit the comunity and this is what i get?
Evidently it wouldn't. You really shouldn't make a clan topic until you have a firmly set-up Clan. Take MotE, for example (Yes I use MotE as an example a lot of times), it's been up since RTB days. Back before 1.3. The clan topic was made 7 months after retail was released.

I just like to say this:

Notice I did not say epic. it is okay but it is new so I just say no.

Well i should have listened a waste of a perfect good 20$ 8\.
How do you "listen a waste of $20", unless you just bought 200 habbo credits, and you're listening to that little "ka-ching" sound.

Also, there is a modding clan already called "PPT" which actually makes things that don't look like ass.

A few things:
1. it said i should have listened as in when i was told the retail comunity where imature
2: what looks like ass? the avatar? if you don't know you can only have a small number of pixels by pixiels (forgot i think it was 60) so i had to shrink down a screen shot in paint and just puting it in paint alone makes it crudy

Maybe he's just a "todler". Yeah, it rhymes with "modler".

whos a todler? your the one being imature
...wich would benifit the comunity and this is what i get?

Evidently it wouldn't. You really shouldn't make a clan topic until you have a firmly set-up Clan. Take MotE, for example (Yes I use MotE as an example a lot of times), it's been up since RTB days. Back before 1.3. The clan topic was made 7 months after retail was released.

the clan has been up for a while but not enogh people where joining the server and/or careing so i decided to post but i guese that was a bad idea now wasn't it?
I just like to say this:


Notice I did not say epic. it is okay but it is new so I just say no.

now whats all this for (ya i read the sub note) the first two people said semirude semitrying-to-be-helpfull sugestions and i got pretty mad cause in RTB only blockdudes are ever rude.
then ephi makes a sarcastic comment and says something (not sure what yet) ass.
after that trader actually insults me directly followed by Spation saying it wouldn't help (mods that don't suck and are a group efort won't benifit this comunity what will?) and then stateing some facts.
then Doorman says it is a super monsterous fail.

now what have i done other tan try to start a helpfull clan? thats right other than buy the game nothing! and all of you act like im some kind of  5-year-old Blockhead whos opinion dosen't matter and has the inteligent of a R-tard?

but i learnt my lesson don't post or you may will get flamed like a oil drum in a pyro fest!

and on that note who of the people who posted could even have joined the clan appart from me and ephi? because i do belive that if you couldn't have joined you shouldn't have insulted it.........

wow this is a pretty long post i bet no one will read it XP
(if you took the time to read this AND don't PHAIL like all the noobs above [the ones who insulted and had no reason to] have a cookie 8D :cookie:)

Cry some more for us "noobs!"
P.S. you need some rules.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2008, 05:25:26 PM by Doorman »

lt. chub, the ingame community is allot better then the forum one...

i see that but anywho cause of the trolls on this forum im gona get this topic locked any ways.....