Author Topic: Moltenkitten showing his true colors  (Read 17675 times)

...because tony immediately decided to stuff on molten for making a joke, at the very start of the thread, causing a downwards spiral from there on no, I'm implying that it's very petty to call that out for no reason but to shutdown anything he says, with it having nothing to do with the current discussion
Lets note moltenkitten was stuffting on lord tony months before tony made his most recent account for no reason.

Lets note moltenkitten was stuffting on lord tony months before tony made his most recent account for no reason.
"for no reason" when he was completely disgusted by the presence of bronies, and had the need to announce it to the world whenever he wants, regardless of where he is (including the mlp thread, which is basically what this drama is about: people that don't like the thread posting in it anyways)

It's about as professional and mature as this. I don't know why any clan would knowingly announce they're run by badmins.
the difference is, solaria blacklisted those people because they hurt his feelings

lord tony harvested those people because they were stuffting up his clan thread and making an unnecessary stink. would you want people who cause loads of unneeded drama in your servers?

i support this but the title of this thread is dumb like what makes this his "true colors" lol

lets not forget that I insulted molten and he got so pissy he copied my icon and started acting like a 7 year old

I never really saw the stuff he's done.
/semi support

He EARNED the spot to be harvested by being a moron and stuffting up the harvest thread and making a joke spam clan.

Also don't pretend like you don't have a malicious reputation already. Don't even go there.
And what of the others on the list who haven't spammed up clan discussion? Molten isn't the only person on the list.

I don't care that I'm banned from Harvest servers, because I wouldn't visit them in the first place.
But it's not unlikely that other non-Harvest members see a list of users (including some understandably unwanted types), and decide to ban all those on the list.

It's not a concern for me, but the point is still valid. Sticking people on a list as if they're a bunch of server-crashers or backdoor-spreaders, when in reality they've just upset the childish clan leader, is pretty uncalled for.

ahh I understand it now
molten is in the wrong for being a richard at first for no reason
and tony is in the wrong for putting non-malicious people on his clan list
so if tony is refusing to take people off of the list despite other peoples pleas
then why doesn't he make another list just for the jerks so people are warned about them but don't necessarily have to be banned on sight

ahh I understand it now
molten is in the wrong for being a richard at first for no reason
and tony is in the wrong for putting non-malicious people on his clan list
so if tony is refusing to take people off of the list despite other peoples pleas
then why doesn't he make another list just for the jerks so people are warned about them but don't necessarily have to be banned on sight
because lord tony and the group don't want these users on their servers?

then why doesn't he make another list just for the jerks so people are warned about them but don't necessarily have to be banned on sight
it's essentially a blacklist
i'm on it for making an unnecessary drama topic but most people are on there for stuffting up the thread or being general cunts

because lord tony and the group don't want these users on their servers?
And what of the others on the list who haven't spammed up clan discussion? Molten isn't the only person on the list.

But it's not unlikely that other non-Harvest members see a list of users (including some understandably unwanted types), and decide to ban all those on the list.

Sticking people on a list as if they're a bunch of server-crashers or backdoor-spreaders, when in reality they've just upset the childish clan leader, is pretty uncalled for.

because lord tony and the group don't want these users on their servers?
if theres no appeal process why even list bans on your clan page

How to get on harvest blacklists:
1. piss off/trigger tony
2. call him out on his ego
3. call him out on his endless nitpicking on fallout 4
4. talk about the harvest in a bad way
5. talk about his 'fine print' prank at the giveaway
6. somehow manage to piss off/trigger any of the harvest members even though you're minding your own business

Basically, SMALL things. (i'd imagine harvest members would find them as huge problems) Nobody on that blacklist (as far as i remember) has been "harvested" for actual issues, like crashing or DDOSing servers. Everyone on that list is basically harvested because they simply triggered people with egos. Either on accident, or on purpose. Either way, some of them didn't even see getting on that dumb list coming.

A REAL blacklist would call out on actual problem users like server crashers or, as i stated above, DDOSing servers. i guess.

What the hell do you think those guys are gonna do to your build, hammer it to death?

All they can really do is just talk stuff on your server, that's it, they can't do stuff to your build without your trust. If Tony was smart, he wouldn't give his trust to users that might grief his build.
And even then, he could just reload a save. If someone builds a giant obstruction right next to his builds, he can just destructo wand it and then kick/ban the guy who made that thing. It's really simple.

Also, the harvest literally gave its members (well, except some) a superiority complex that made them think they're above all else.
That blacklist is nothing more than a shaming list because you pissed off/triggered a egotistical leader and it just lines up people to the laughing block so people can throw tomatoes (or, insults) at them.

tony's a bit of a doofus