Author Topic: I cut my richard shaving today AMA  (Read 3093 times)

i'm 16 anyways lol who cares
Girls that u tryna forget?

OT: never cut my richard shaving, but it is my greatest fear :,)
« Last Edit: April 06, 2016, 06:35:29 AM by Machaty »

i cut my balls one time and i thought there was a gaping hole

you should start cutting your wee wee hairs with a hedge cutter

I wish I could just magically not have ANY body hair aside from on the top of my head but life is never that simple
rip eyebrows

yeah as long as you do it right. Honestly a super short trim is better. Otherwise laser removal or if you're man/womanly enough... a waxing.
i have like a small battery hair clipper and it works great.

Why do you shave your public hair?

youre a woman now congrats

ive been manscaping for years and this has never happened, was your razor getting blunt?

Why do you shave your public hair?
Its a courtesy. I excpect girls to be clean shaven, so I do the same.

I don't think I'd ever shave, sounds too much like a hassle for something I'll have to do in three weeks again anyways, trim, maybe, def not shaving tho

ive been manscaping for years and this has never happened, was your razor getting blunt?
I just wasn't being as careful as usual. The cut was just enough for 2 drops of blood, it wasn't that bad. When I did it I just opened my eyes really big, stared into my eyes in the mirror and slowly looked back down, didn't see any blood, but then I just saw some slowly come through and was like... forget... & continued shaving.

Since you guys seem so concerned, I usually only do a close trim. However, every now and again I'll do a clean shave if I'm expecting to get laid or some stuff. Not to mention it feels a lot more comfortable.

Well atleast it was only two drops of blood
it would be messy if you sliced your richard off
But yeah, Id shave too but im afraid of the persistent itching afterwards