Author Topic: THE handicap RELEVANCE INTERJECTION PROCESS  (Read 764 times)

So I came up with this a long while back after observing certain people both in person and online.

The relevance interjection process, for handicaps to seem relevant in conversations they are not a member of
(thereby ruining the entertainment value of the conversation).
Disclaimer: Not referring to actual mentally disabled folk, just the normal people who are so stupid we call them handicaps.

To attempt, find a conversation which two or more people are having about something you have a faint idea about.

1. Interject by contradicting a statement in the conversation, thereby garnering attention. Do not care whether this statement is wrong.
In the event that the statement is wrong, which is almost a certainty, you will either be ignored, if so repeat step 1, or a member of the conversation will attempt to correct you.

2. Argue your point to the best of your abilities using what limited knowledge you have of the thing you decided to interject. You will inevitably be defeated by the people who actually know what they were talking about.

3. Defend your statement by redefining it multiple times even if it is no longer relevant to the conversation, thereby tripping up the logic of people trying to correct your interruption. Use ‘No, I mean…’ repeatedly to accomplish this. They will either give up, or have the logical skill to thwart you.

4. When it is painfully obvious that you were wrong from the start and had no idea what you were talking about, either
(a) Shrug, turn away and deflect blame and attention by stating that your point came from another source and was not yours to begin with.
(b) Openly admit ignorance with loud statements of “I don’t know! I don’t know anything!” or some other denial.
(c) Stubbornly insist on your point and leave the conversation.

When this is over, the conversation will have been thoroughly derailed, and the original topic and humor inherent will have been lost. Move to another group of people having another conversation and repeat.

If any of this seems in similar to how people around you have behaved, congratulations! You have witnessed a real life not-actual-handicap-but-worse person in your very own life!
If this process reflects your behavior, please find the nearest barbed wire fence and rub your mouth and hands across it, ensuring that you can no longer publish your opinions through speech or writing ever again.

just like i used to do

Also known as stuffposting, this technique is also practiced by many members of the Blockland Forums. The current foremost 8th dan black belt of the R.R.I.P is Blockchip, who has accomplished the amazing feat of five R.R.I.Ps at the same time!

Again, i'm not trying to, the post that started all this was really mild and seemingly uncontroversial, and you're still contributing to this as much as i am.I really don't get why you all think that's so funny.
Seems to me that you're just saying it funny because it says somebody you don't like is stupid. Maybe we just all have really different senses of humor.what a hilarious and original joke
it's so original that even i made the exact same jokeI still don't get why you seem to think that just because you say something a lot of times that somehow in and of itself makes it right.
If i was trolling, i'd say it'd be pretty successful.
People often say that all a troll wants is attention, and i sure am getting a lot of that.
Again, i highly doubt they had to do that. Seems really stupid to me.I don't see how this is a bannable offense at all, let alone a perma-bannable one.
Also, I don't think tony has made much less posts about me than i have about him. Maybe even more, considering how i usually make really long posts about multiple other posts and he often posts several posts in the row about the same thing.I think my autism would be too extreme if i did leave just because you said something a lot of times.I don't see how i'm "playing the victim card", or how i "came in here to stuff down the show".
Go look at the first post i made in this thread. It's really mild and not hostile or insulting at all.  The responses to it, were. Don't act like i started this.I find way more funny than i should.
I don't intentionally try to start arguments. And, again, you're contributing to the "argument" as much as i am.
Why would they do that?
I highly doubt they had to do that.I don't understand how me sending a PM to you about harvest is proof that i'm obsessed with the harvest.
You sent me a PM back, i guess that somehow makes you obsessed with me?
What thread is that?
I don't know what you people think you'll accomplish by saying the same thing again and again that you wouldn't get from saying it once.
Seriously, i know my posts are long (mostly due to them addressing a lot of other posts at once, most of which are directly about me) but at least i don't say the exact same thing over and over again.
At this point i'm starting to think this is bait.I agree.

Truly, this user deserves our utmost commendation for being dumber than a sack of bricks dredged in mudwater, and not knowing when to shut the hell up! Bravo!

If any notable R.R.I.P users are spotted, please capture their techniques and share them on this thread, to expand our knowledge of this great art.

Op pulled a destroyer.

Pick any simple flavor of the month hated person or topic, that no one would be in disagreement over, so you cant go wrong.

Write up a pretentious long essay. Pat yourself on the back when people agree.

Op pulled a destroyer.

Pick any simple flavor of the month hated person or topic, that no one would be in disagreement over, so you cant go wrong.

Write up a pretentious long essay. Pat yourself on the back when people agree.
like i want to try to make a good argument with this but youre bisjac so nevermind

Op pulled a destroyer.

Pick any simple flavor of the month hated person or topic, that no one would be in disagreement over, so you cant go wrong.

Write up a pretentious long essay. Pat yourself on the back when people agree.
Is this part of this very process?

Is this part of this very process?

Oh my god this made my day