Author Topic: Anyone ever have to deal with Cicada swarms before?  (Read 1439 times)

That's probably the shells of the exuvia (the old exo-skeleton that they moult before becoming adults) falling off the trees. Cicadas, like other insects, are basically too small to be injured from a fall.
That makes sense actually. Thanks for clearing that up, thought all cicadas are just terribly stupid.

That makes sense actually. Thanks for clearing that up, thought all cicadas are just terribly stupid.
Yeah the cicadas climb the trees and stay there until they're done molting. I occasionally see their shells along the trunks of trees on hikes and stuff but have never actually seen one.

the shells are fun to play with

When i was young i used to play with cicadas. they where pretty cool.

no, but i deal with mayflies every year since i live by lake erie. forgeters cover up your entire house.

I remember riding my motorcycle and getting hit in the neck with one of them holy stuff

down here its every 11 or 13 years so we had them about a couple years back. yeah i know how its like and its super loud and annoying

down here its every 11 or 13 years so we had them about a couple years back. yeah i know how its like and its super loud and annoying
yeah some of them have a 13 year cycle

i thought cicadas were cool as a kid but theyre really annoying now

no, but i deal with mayflies every year since i live by lake erie. forgeters cover up your entire house.

And those things die all over everything too. I visited a dam several years ago and there were so many dead mayflies that their corpses accumulated almost halfway up my shoe