Author Topic: Fourmers and Blockheads.  (Read 1883 times)

I don't much of either lately, but definitely forums more than game.

I well used to play in the game just as much as the forums, but now I've lost interest because no gamemode appears to attract me anymore, any gamemodes I like are deserted all freebuild servers that are not mine focus on having the whole RTB archive, sans events (Not the character you fools,) and you lose time or interest again when you connect.

Perhaps I could simply break the cycle and re-host my not-so-legendary freebuild.
Actually, I think I will do so today.

(I won't announce it in this thread, don't worry, not a hack)

419 hours on blockland (thanks steam)
1 day 6 hours on forums
I play blockland way more obviously

Stopped playing Blockland when my internet was suddenly not compatible with it for who knows what reason, so now I just visit the forums a couple times a day.

Stopped playing Blockland when my internet was suddenly not compatible with it for who knows what reason, so now I just visit the forums a couple times a day.

You should make a help thread about that if you haven't already.

I don't post on the forums much, but I mostly play speedkart just to improve my driving skill. I now use mouse steering because of that. I also used to host a survival server but I don't host that anymore since it got boring & repetitive.

i usually exclusively play with my friends
other than that not as much as i used to :c

I have Blockland open right now. I mostly stick to my server or the top player server.
(I'm actually in singleplayer working on a map for my server, but whatever.)

I definitely use the forums more than I use the actual game

when i play i always build stuff

Stopped playing Blockland when my internet was suddenly not compatible with it for who knows what reason, so now I just visit the forums a couple times a day.
My friend has the same problem.

I haven't logged on BL since early february/late january