Author Topic: progress ad venture  (Read 142323 times)

just say you're a local dude wanting to spread the good word
quickly explain that you were recruited by this kickass breakdancer earlier to distribute these flyers and apologize for the inconvenience

you try to explain that it was just something some random passerby gave you some time ago, and that you're not quite sure on why anyone would assume that just based on the kind of material you pass along to a person in a polite gesture of courtesy, which of course is such a nice thing to do to a...

yeah he's not buying it.

If all else fails, act like you're on fire in a moment of panic.

if what else fails? whatever. you start to flail around wildly, screaming about fires and smokes and arson and all that jazz.

nobody has any idea what you're doing.

beta bot is a bit embarassed from watching you. come on man.

the gun dealer has declared that he is fed up this this theatric display, and demands for someone to pay for these guns.

he then provides a bit of incentive for someone to pay.

of course, you still have no money.

the other nefarious ruffian suddenly flinches out and points a gun to the dealer.

attempt to swipe the gun pointed toward you with your karade chop action and point it at them to become a hero to yourself
oh and I guess make beta bot do the same with the other dude with the gun pointing towards the dealer to become a hero to him
« Last Edit: June 08, 2016, 07:59:51 PM by gr8dayseth »

rustle around in your pocket
find your "Portable ATM Cash Grabber From Anywhere ThingyTM"
Wow your ads have allready made around 200$!
Get tha money and buy the guns.

ram advertisements down the gun

ram bullet advertisements into gun

Wait for the Ruffians and Gun Dealer to blow eachother away before looting the guns and executing the survivors. Proceed to loot the entire gun store.

commence ad sense program
knock the guns out of their hands and shove advertisements down their throats
then kick the stuff out of them like you did to the adblock guy

commence ad sense program
knock the guns out of their hands and shove advertisements down their throats
then kick the stuff out of them like you did to the adblock guy

Activate cloaking device.

slap an ad in everyone's face to distract them and DUCK AND RUN

with the guns of course. who said you'd leave them behind?

this reminds me of problem sleuth
ot: what conan said

taking advantage of the brief moment of surprise, you and beta bot get out your ad rifle and madchine gun, respectively, pointing them at the dealer and the ruffians, respectively.

It looks like you're at a huge dis ad vantage here

ok, so um. this is a bit of a bad situation.

look extremely apathetic

yeah this may need some... finesse.

do an extremely impressive headstand

stop drop and roll, tactically tripping those ruffians, avoiding the gunfire of the dealer (if the forgeter dares to shoot).
beta bot, while dealer is shocked by the behavior of yourself, delivers a barrage of uh... ads?? at the dealer, incapacitating him...