Author Topic: MotE App. (WIP)  (Read 1392 times)

Not copying Colten lol, Becuase I know he made a MotE app. (WIP) too.

It's a lab. (save attached)

It's meant to be all inside, so the exterior is bad, cause it's not meant for that. I've been working on this for about 2 days now. Much to go, I'm planning on making this huge. Hope you like, some criticism would be nice as well.

Much work left. The "Restricted" room is not at all ready btw.

From the pic, looks nice but very.... meh
I do realise its a WIP and my rating will change with build.

I dunno if this is exactly a MotE build....

Its kinda... Boxy. See if you can do something with the corners?

What's with all the WIP applications? No reason to label it as an application before it's actually done.


What's with all the WIP applications? No reason to label it as an application before it's actually done.

* Rex sweats

Not that i can make a differnce, but lock this thread, make the app, then post it, Dont Post WIP Applications!

In my opinion this is very un-needed.

This is why I labeled mine "SNEAK PEAK" instead of "MotE App (WIP)". Even mentioning it being a possible app build gets you munched on.

Ok, locking for fail. I'll post this as an application when it's actually done.