Author Topic: This guy walks into your room  (Read 4947 times)

Alright so it goes like this

       this guy walks into your room, what do you do?

Person 1: I use dust off to get him away
                This guy walks into your room, what do you do?

Person 2: I say mom would be so proud
               This guy walks into your room, what do you do?

Alright I'll start.

This guy walks into your room, what do you do?

I'd snap into a slim jim

this guy walks into your room, what u gonna do

get spooked hard

this guy walks into your room, what do you do


This guy walks into ye room

O stuff I been naughty

This guy walks into your room

Also, this guy enters next


Darn it, ninja'd by someone who didn't post a pic.

these brothas are entrereing yor hose

« Last Edit: May 19, 2016, 06:11:11 AM by Marios »

I call the cops.

My avatar enters your room.

apply cancer cells

mi avatr room entere

Commence blitzkrieg

Dis douchebag enters

commence a dot to dot puzzle solving journey

this guy approaches you

kill myself

Commence blitzkrieg

didnt work the first time go home cyka

the masketta man enters your room

stab him in the eyes

You walk into your room and see this guy in the corner of the room