Author Topic: derp a derp's PAPERS, PLEASE RP  (Read 8529 times)

Well, let me first say that the name of this thread was the actual name of the server

This server was extremely badly organized and the host was even worse, i will just let the pictures do the talking:

The checkpoint was where you were either approved to be cleared to some made-up country

If you were lucky enough to get the guards permission to get through to the country, this is where you end up:

After you make it to the small area, you ctrl+k to start all over again and do the same thing all over again

if you weren't "approved" (basically if you didn't know a name of a country from the video game) Earraping sirens would go off, you were killed on sight and had to wait in line all over again.

For the longest time during this rp, it was basically derp a derp and Elim Rping together, everyone else was left waiting outside in line.

Oh, and the host as i mentioned earlier was really bad.  Randomly he/she would throw tantrums and go on a killing spree

In my opinion, the server was awesome, really awesome, and the map is work in progress, and the host is currently working on it, you cant judge a wip.

Plus, there are many jobs, such as guards, inspectors, all of that, you just didn't care to ask for them.

This honestly doesn't deserve a drama. Who was at the wrong here? Until further notice /nosupport

Plus, there are many jobs, such as guards, inspectors, all of that, you just didn't care to ask for them.
i did ask for them, i was ignored and then randomly killed with a glock.

If it is WIP couldn't the host put that into the title

i did ask for them, i was ignored and then randomly killed with a glock.

If it is WIP couldn't the host put that into the title

First, I was calling him too in that time, he was afk, he's normally afk, and you got killed by a glock, when someone attacked the border, which was considered a terrorist attack in the original game, everyone suspicious gets killed.

Answering the last thing, that killing spree is when the terrorist/border attack happened, all suspicious people get killed, or the inspector and the leader would die, they had no chance, advice, play papers please.

And, /nosupport, I see the drama pointless,  as everything was followed according to the original game, and the city is wip, it will be soon added, so when people get approved, they have somewhere to go.

If I remember correctly, in the original Papers, Please guards don't go on a killing spree after a terrorist passes the border and attacks. The people still waiting in line flee in, well, terror and your station is locked down.

The host should've built something to do after passing the border before opening the server. Also, if the host really has no sort of time limit on checking, that's a problem.

You should get some evidence on his "tantrums", because that isn't shown here. Until then, not much heavy stuff is going on here. /support 0.5 (default 1.0 = 100%)

I have to say, though, this "Tha Eliminator" guy seems to have been sleeping with the fishes because he smells just like them...

And if I remember correctly, I said above that its a WIP, and, don't give examples "guy seems to have been sleeping with the fishes because he smells just like them...". Because you absolutely don't know how to give good ones, and I consider that an insult to me.

Well, like, shouldn't he be actually completing the thing?
Also, why are you defending him so darn much? You've posted a lot of times just on this thread.

Well, like, shouldn't he be actually completing the thing?
Also, why are you defending him so darn much? You've posted a lot of times just on this thread.
presumably because he likes the server and wants to defend something he likes

i joined this server and was told to "sts"
i asked the host what that ment, he never told me, and i got banned

presumably because he likes the server and wants to defend something he likes

Just as he said, I was from the first to join, so I first applied to be inspector, and I became inspector of the border, and I worked very hard when I was inspector, I was promoted to minister of immigration, and now I am training inspectors, the server is fun when you get it.

If you don't like a server, doesn't mean no one likes it.