Author Topic: My playertype's Brick Tool and Weapon are not positioned  (Read 1276 times)

Okay soo i was testing my playertype and it had many errors and things to fix but i dont know how to fix this

also strangely it doesn't detects the actívate, walk and some of the animations

Where are the mount points on your rig?

under the playertype datablock you are setting the playertype brick image to the brick image used by horses, see line 282, the horseBrickImage is mounted to slot 3 rather than slot 0
change to brickImage = brickImage;

as for the mount0 you need to rotate it 90 degrees clockwise along whatever axis for the images to be oriented properly

I might use the java script tool for the 90 degrees rotation ?

I might use the java script tool for the 90 degrees rotation ?
um what? you should be able to to do it in your modelling software

yeah but what 2 put there for 90 degrees

In the x y z

yeah but what 2 put there for 90 degrees

In the x y z
it depends on all your view settings just try some different axis until its right

I did zero joints on ms3d but now all the joints are looking at 90 degrees

BTW Everything on the playertype its working fine but Now i have a problem with the animations
The playertype's Script can't detect some of the animations like

R_Death , Walk or root , And Activate animation   well it detects the crouching animation but not all of the others