Author Topic: Can someone explain "fake no pine tree" to me  (Read 4215 times)

the pine trees in blockland are actually made of all the truths in the world
that bush did 9/11
that aliens do exist
that I in fact did have cereal this morning
it's got it all

even g-golden brick!?

especially the golden brick
in fact can I tell you a little secret?

the golden brick was the tree the whole time

especially the golden brick
in fact can I tell you a little secret?
the golden brick was the tree the whole time

its a reference to blocklands adventure mode
thought this was common knowledge?

I'm surprised no one added it to the Chronology topic, but at the same time I now struggle to recall the details and find it.

I was pretty certain that Solid started it, in '09 or '10, and I think in either Gallery or Creativty.
As I recall, he had some obviously photoshopped image, but said it was real because it had a pine tree in it.
It was just really funny, and it became a joke that if your picture had a pine tree in it then it was authentic. And then it was used the opposite way, that is that an image without a pine tree in it could potentially be fake.

That's how I recall it at least. I'm not sure how much is true, and I have no idea why I think it was Solid.

obviously exactly what happened

look, there's the pine tree too

can you kindly stop crossposting

most of that is right but dont remember it being solid

actually i dont remember who started it

most of that is right but dont remember it being solid

actually i dont remember who started it
it was a secret alias of badspot

it was a secret alias of badspot
it was actually rotondo
remember? rotondo is everyone
me, you, baddy, everyone is rotondo

it was actually rotondo
remember? rotondo is everyone
me, you, baddy, everyone is rotondo

(posts your avatar)

(posts your avatar)
("thats the TWELTH time [bequerels] avatar has been used!")