Author Topic: ARG currently occuring in Fish Tank discord  (Read 1167 times)


a couple hours ago, a user named .. joined the server, and started playing an audio file on loop in Weenie Hut Juniors voice channel

the audio file appears to consist of incredibly slowed audio, along with screaming at a certain point in the loop, as far as we can tell

the only sources of evidence we have so far are binary, with one translating to 'i have a body of a pi', a text file with the word 'Ducky' inside of it, possibly a messed up PNG file, and this image:

i've tried swapping the file formats, changing brightness and contrast, but nothing has come out of it

any other info we've gotten from binary is all gibberish

can anyone help us solve this stuff? this is all really mysterious and we'd like to get to the bottom of it.

24hour discord chat link if you wanna join

EDIT: the voice clip was managed to be recorded, and has 'THE POINT OF BLINDNESS' in the spectograph, as far as i know

the sounds we have concluded are from various number stations and a set of two videos
note: possibly loud and weird as hell

can confirm this is loving creepy

"i have the body of a pi(g)" was some creepy yet fake video

a text file with the word 'Ducky' inside of it
if anyone else interested in solving it

edit: it also says "adobe"

it's good when it screams aka end me please

baron posted this image:

i'm uncertain as to what this means.

search "i have the body of a pig" in google images and it comes up with that

baron posted this image:

i'm uncertain as to what this means.

.. has posted new evidence

how suspicious

maxwell also recieved one

creepier by the second

i have the body of a pig still freaks me out to this day

an image source has been found
the audio is quite loud so lower your volume