Author Topic: Join Varsity City! The Building Community  (Read 1618 times)

Varsity City is a Cityscaping Community, based on Social and Security. Blockheads around Blockland will come here and participate as VCPD in numerous areas. We make businesses, and keep the city in order. As for the citizens, they work together.

Varsity is Divided into 5 Main Districts
*United District* People here work hand in hand.
*Central District* All records of Varsity's history is located here.
*Construction District* People here can build freely, with whatever their hearts desire.
*Security District* This is where the Varsity City Maximum Security Prison and Varsity City Police Department are located.
*Harbor District* This is where the bay resides. Perfect for vacation.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2016, 04:17:31 PM by mrwallace888 »

Should go in clan discussion. Also should explain more: keep what city in order? Is this clan/topic about a grouping up on a single cityrp? Or is it a build/RP idea? It sounds akin to some sort of Playstation Home thing.

It's like one big server. Wish I can make it dedicated, but I don't know how.

It's like one big server. Wish I can make it dedicated, but I don't know how.
Make a game in Blockland with all the stuff you want enabled. Then exit Blockland. Now run Blockland Dedicated Server.
Don't close the CMD. Relaunch Blockland look in the server list and it should be running.

So uh, where do I find Blockland Dedicated Server?

So uh, where do I find Blockland Dedicated Server?
You would have to get the non-steam version on the Blockland website.

You would have to get the non-steam version on the Blockland website.
Good advice for steam users.

If you have steam, you can use .bat files to launch it in dedicated mode and regular mode at the same time. Ignore anyone who says the following. "You can't host dedicated using steam." "You can't host and play dedicated at the same time on steam."

I can PM you some .bat files if you want, but you should be able to google how to do it with .bat files yourself. It'll work to host dedi on non-steam as well, I believe.

Varsity is really cool.

Dont run random bat files some dude pm-s you. Also this goes in Clan Discussion.